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ABOUT AUTHOR (articles available) is to help improve Language Education in all areas, including:
 Serving as a Virtual Language Education Encyclopedia;
 Testing and improving CALL Collaboration Areas and Programs: Bilingual, Monolingual & Multilingual Glossing & Translation Programs, Text Analyzers and Readability Programs, Moodle Modules and Browser Add-ons to Enchance CALL;
 CALL Collaboration Tools, Instant Messaging, VoIP Tele-Conferencing Programs;
 Page Foto & File-sharing or Note-taking Programs;
 Web Presentation Tools and Services for Visual Communication;
 Social Networking Programs, Podcasts and Video-Blogs;
 Webtools and Web Content Strategies.


WebHeads Worldwide: View & Collaborate here!

Improbable Planet: How Earth Became Humanity Home (Astro-Physicist Hugh Rosss GREAT new book)

Visit Connecting All Language Learners

EFL Classroom Blog and Directory (D Deubel)

Collaborative Sharing for Teachers and Webheads using Tapped In Integrates VOA, Daily Proverbs, ESL Podcasts, Quizzes, L1 & L2 Dictionaries and Search Engines.

Kelly Ten-Dictionaries in One Online Encyclopedia
History, Cultural Literacy, Fine Arts, etc.

365 ESL Short Stories: Extensive Reading with full Dictionary and Listening Support! Listening and Reading Free Site for Intermediate ESL Learners delivers any online Newspaper in any language you'd like to read that has one!

'HERS News: Hear, Experience, Read, See'
Simultaneously do Extensive Reading, Listening, & Viewing of Online News (Chen's program using VOA, CNN, etc.)

Lingro Language Learner

Enter any Website to make all words clickable on this site. Lingro remembers all the words you look up, so you can easily review and study them.

Please go here for Quick Start Guide to Snap Account

Language Learning Quick Links

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My Happy Planet
My Happy Planet

Learn a language. Make friends. Have fun.

A language learning community offering various services to improve your pronunciation, vocabulary, writing & listening.

"The Mixxer"
offers chances to teach your language in exchange for learning another.

Top Toolbox for Learning New Words!
Cobbs LexTutor Offers English / French Dictionary / Concordancer; Text-to-Speech & Word Learning Tests & Tools.

Hypertext Builder (from LexTutor)
Build resource-linked texts for online reading. Wire your own texts so Language Learners can use the support of:
E Audio with Text-to-Speech (TTS) sound
E Concordance + Dictionary/Dictionary only (Monolingual or Bilingual for Chinese, Japanese, Spanish or French (so far)
E Reading-plus: Provides resources to understand every word in any text!

Mr. B's English Learning Links: Cool links for learning English in outline form!
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Keynote Speaker, 2014

2nd International Conference on Advanced ICT for Education. (in Dairen, CHINA, 8/16-17, 2014) Dr. JP Loucky. Keynote: Using Innovative Web Tools to Empower Language Learners

20 Articles by CALL4ALL Owner, JP Loucky

Collected in Japanese National Database

JP Loucky Research Page at

Japanese References

For English page, click on 'English' button at top right of the screen on that READ page.

Advanced Vision: Improving Bilingual Education

AVIBEAuthor's English Research Articles
READ listing of Author's Research Articles in Japanese or English
AVIBE consists mainly of John Paul Loucky`s Research Office at Seinan Women`s University at 1-3-2 Ibori, Kitakyushu, Fukuokaken, JAPAN 803
PHONE: 1-661-206-7164

Seinan JoGakuin University Library Website (Japanese)

Collaborators in Japan, U.K., U.S. and Hungary.


  • 1. Using Computerized Bilingual(ized) Dictionaries;
  • 2. Recommending TESOL Resources/Software/Sites;
  • 3. Training in Vocabulary Learning Strategies Survey & Taxonomy;
  • 4. Recommending Common Core Vocabulary Lists by Topic, Frequency, EAP/ESP Use, etc.
  • 5. Linking to On-Line Chat Course, Free TESOL Sites;
  • 6. Teaching Specific Lexical Processing Steps, Skills & Strategies to help maximize language learning;
  • 7. Using Contemporary Songs to teach good values and Listening and Language Skills.


I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of some resources in the field of EFL Reading Development, especially useful research, books and software for Japanese high school and college students. Some of these references you may find very helpful in your own research in the field of English Vocabulary and L2 Reading Development. We also have good lists of helpful language websites and forums on Internet, some good lists and recommendations for Computer Assisted or Mediated Language Learning Software and Websites, and a list of 50 Standardized American Reading Tests which can help you to measure and find out your own student's individual vocabulary, comprehension and reading grade levels.

Please write and send me any reading/vocabulary development article(s) (English preferred) as well as any software, language education or translation Internet site suggestions you may have when you write to request anything from me in return.

Most sincerely yours for the improvement of English Reading skills in Japan,

John Paul Loucky, Ed. D.

Seinan Jogakuin, 1-3-2 Ibori, Kitakyushu,
Kokura-Kita, Fukuoka-Ken 803
PHONE: 1-661-206-7164

Click here to contact us.


TBLT 2007 - Task-Based Language Teaching Online Proceedings

Designing Online Reading & Writing Courses & Tasks to Maximize L2 Learning (John Paul Loucky)

Flash Presentation Loucky

Designing Online Tasks to Maximize L2 Learning

Handout Loucky

Designing Online Reading & Writing Courses & Tasks to Maximize L2 Learning


When Eastern and Western Language Systems Meet: Crossing the English Vocabulary

Threshold Versus Breaking the Kanji Barrier Abstract PDF (28KB)

Full Text PDF (170 KB)

Maximizing vocabulary development by systematically using a depth of lexical processing taxonomy, CALL resources, and effective strategies. CALICO Journal, 23, No. 2 (January), 363-399. Loucky, J.P. (2006).

Loucky, J. P. (2006a). Maximizing vocabulary development by systematically using a depth of lexical processing taxonomy, CALL resources, and effective strategies. CALICO Journal, 23, No. 2 (January), 363-399. (Retrieved from

Comparing Translation Software and OCR Reading Pens (PDF version)

Measuring L2 Lexical Structuring Ability (2004 Kyoto JALT) (PDF version)

Combining Intensive and Extensive Reading Strategies with Cooperative and Communicative Learning Activities (2004 Nara JALT) (PDF version)

Owner of's Doctoral Dissertation Free

Developing and Testing Vocabulary Training Methods and Materials for Japanese College Students Studying English as a Foreign Language.

Link to 8 Articles on Language Learning by CALL4ALL Author, John Paul Loucky.

Measuring and Improving Readability of Online versus Printed Texts

By John Paul Loucky, for The Reading Matrix. Also:

Improving Online Readability by John Paul Loucky

Video PowerPoint Presentation for The Reading Matrix, 2007 Online Conference.

Loucky, J. P. (2004).

Maximizing Vocabulary Development Using a Semantic Field Keyword Approach. Online in CALLing JAPAN, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 7-20.

Loucky, J. P. (2005a).

Combining Intensive and Extensive Reading Strategies with Cooperative and Communicative Learning Activities. Online PDF. Also see:

Loucky, J. P. (2005b).

Combining beneficial strategies from both intensive and extensive reading approaches for more effective and enjoyable language learning. On JALT 2004: Language Learning for Life Conference CD, K. Bradford-Watts, C. Ikeuchi, & M. Swanson (Eds.). JALT 2004 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT. Pages 1041-1055.

Practicing Basic Questions in English

(Online Interactive Links to Conversation Games)

Loucky, J. P. (2004). Gaining Speaking Confidence by Mastering Basic English Questions: Using Enjoyable Games within a Simple Framework.


JP Loucky article online for The Reading Matrix. (pdf)

Clarifying and Resurrecting the Semantic Field Keyword Approach for Rapid Lexical Acquisition

Employing Semantic Organization, Bilingual Computerized Glosses and Pushed Output Generation to Enhance L2 Vocabulary Learning (pdf file)

Improving Online Reading and Vocabulary Development

(Published in KASELE Kiyo 35. Improving Online Reading and Vocabulary Development, pp. 181-187.)

Improving access to target vocabulary

Loucky. J.P. (2002). Improving access to target vocabulary using computerized bilingual dictionaries ReCALL, Volume 14, Issue 02, Nov 2002, pp 295-314. Published online by Cambridge University Press 09 Dec 2002.

Loucky & Tuzi, 2010. Comparing Foreign Language Online Glossing Programs.

Loucky, J. P. (1994). Teaching and testing English reading skills of Japanese college students. KASELE Kiyo 22: 29-34.

Loucky, J. P. (1996). Developing and testing vocabulary training methods and materials for Japanese college students studying English as a foreign language. Ed.D. Dissertation on file with Pensacola Christian College, Pensacola, FL. Also available either from ERIC Center for Applied Linguistics via fax to (202) 429- 9292; or from UMI Dissertation Services, 30 No. Zeeb Rd., PO Box 1346, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 (http.//

Loucky, J. P. (1997a). Maximizing vocabulary acquisition: Recommendations for improving English vocabulary learning for foreign language learners. KASELE Kiyo 25: 101-111.

Loucky, J. P. (1997b). Summary of " Developing and testing vocabulary training methods and materials for Japanese college students studying English as a foreign language." Annual Review of English Learning and Teaching, No 2, JACET Kyushu-Okinawa Chapter. (9/30/97: 15-36).

Loucky, J. P. (1998). Suggestions for Improving ESL/EFL Vocabulary Instruction. Seinan JoGakuin Kiyo 45, pp. 25-36.

Loucky, J. P. (1999). Practical CAI language teaching ideas: Reading and writing connections. Seinan JoGakuin Kiyo 46, 1-7.

Loucky, J. P. (2002a). Assessing the potential of computerized bilingual dictionaries for enhancing English vocabulary learning. In Lewis, P. N. D. (Ed.), The changing face of CALL: A Japanese perspective (pp. 123-137). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.

Loucky, J. P. (2002b). Improving access to target vocabulary using computerized bilingual dictionaries. ReCALL 14 (2), pp. 293-312.

Loucky, J. P. (2002c). Comparing translation software and OCR reading pens. On Swanson, M., McMurray, D., & Lane, K. (Eds.), Pan-Asian Conference 3 at 27th International Conference of JALT, National Conference Proceedings CD. Kitakyushu, JAPAN. Pages 745-755.

Loucky, J. P. (2002d). Testing vocabulary levels in Japan. The Japanese Learner. Oxford: Oxford University. Part I (pp. 15-21).

Loucky, J. P. (2002e). Choosing your words wisely: Selecting which vocabulary to teach. Orio Joshi Keizai Tanki Taigaku Ronshu, No. 36, pp. 45-58.

Loucky, J. P. (2002f). When Eastern Oriental meets Western Occidental language system: Crossing the English vocabulary threshold versus breaking the Kanji Barrier. Seinan JoGakuin Tandai Kiyo, No. 48, pp. 19-38.

Loucky, J. P. (2002g). Choosing your words wisely: Selecting which words to teach. The ETJ Journal, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Winter 2002/2003).

Loucky, J. P. (2003a). Testing vocabulary levels in Japan, Part II. The Japanese Learner, No. 29, (March), pp. 15-20. Oxford: Oxford University.

Loucky, J. P. (2003b). Enhancing studentsEEnglish reading and vocabulary skills using CALL innovations. Seinan Women's University Tandai Kiyo, Vol. 49, 1-15.

Loucky, J. P. (2003c). Using CALL innovations to enhance studentsEEnglish reading and vocabulary skills. In P. N. D. Lewis, C. Imai, & K. Kitao (Eds.), Local Decisions, Global Effects: The Proceedings of JALT CALL 2002, 121-128.

Loucky, J. P. (2003d). Using computerized bilingual dictionaries to help maximize English vocabulary learning at Japanese colleges. CALICO Journal, 221 (1), 105-129.

Loucky, J. P. (2003e). Testing vocabulary levels in Japan. Orio Joshi Keizai Tanki Taigaku Ronshu, No. 37, pp. 51-87.

Loucky, J. P. (2003f). Enhancing the learning, teaching and testing of new vocabulary by systematically using a Depth of Lexical Processing Scale and a Vocabulary Learning Strategies Taxonomy. Japan Language Testing Association. Kumamoto Presentation. (10/25/03).

Loucky, J. P. (2004a). Clarifying and resurrecting the Semantic Field Keyword Approach for rapid lexical acquisition: Employing semantic organization, bilingual computerized glosses and pushed output generation to enhance L2 vocabulary learning. Seinan JoGakuin Tandai Kiyo, No. 50, 61-87.

Loucky, J. P. (2004b). Improving cognitive, linguistic and computational processing of new vocabulary using an online Semantic Field Keyword Approach. Japan Association of Language Teachers CALL Special Interest Group, C@lling Japan. Spring 2004, Vol. 12/1, pp. 7-20.

Loucky, J. P. (2005a) Making a user-friendly vocabulary knowledge scale for Japanese students: Designing and testing a dual assessment vocabulary instructor-evaluator. Kitakyushu: Orio Aishin Tanki Daigaku Ronshu, No. 39, (pp. 33-86). Kitakyushu, Japan.

Loucky, J. P. (2005b). Systematically employing a trinity of user-friendly assessment tools. JLTA Journal, 7, 66-91.

Loucky, J. P. (2005c). Combining beneficial strategies from both intensive and extensive reading approaches for more effective and enjoyable language learning. On JALT 2004: Language Learning for Life Conference CD, K. Bradford-Watts, C. Ikeuchi, & M. Swanson (Eds.). JALT 2004 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT. Pages 1041-1055.

Loucky, J. P. (2005d). Combining the benefits of electronic and online dictionaries with CALL Web sites to produce effective and enjoyable vocabulary and language learning lessons. Computer Assisted Language Learning, Vol. 18, No. 5, (December 2005), pp. 389-416.

Loucky, J. P. (2006a). Maximizing vocabulary development by systematically using a depth of lexical processing taxonomy, CALL resources, and effective strategies. CALICO Journal, 23, No. 2 (January), 363-399.

Loucky, J. P. (2006b). Harvesting CALL websites for enjoyable and effective language learning. In The Proceedings of JALT CALL 2005, Glocalization: Bringing people together. (Ritsumeikan University, BKC Campus, Shiga, Japan, June 3-5, 2005).Pp. 18-22.

Loucky, J. P. (2006c). Developing integrated online English courses for enjoyable reading and effective vocabulary learning. In The Proceedings of JALT CALL 2005, Glocalization: Bringing people together. (Ritsumeikan University, BKC Campus, Shiga, Japan, June 3-5, 2005). Pp. 165-169.

Loucky, J. P. (2007). Computerized dictionaries: Integrating Portable Devices, Translation Software and Web Dictionaries to Maximize Learning. In Major Reference Works, Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Computer Engineering. Rawah, N. J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Loucky, J. P. and J. Spiri. (2007). Systematic ways of teaching, studying and testing high frequency vocabulary online. Language Forum, Vol. 33, No. 2, July-Dec. 101-114.

Loucky, J.P. (2007). Improving online reading and vocabulary development. KASELE Kiyo 35. 181-187.

Loucky, J.P. (2008a). How to assess and adjust online text readability to improve information and language literacies necessary for learning in various languages online. Chapter 19 in M. Thomas, Ed. Handbook of Research on Language Acquisition Technologies: Web 2.0 Transformation of Learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Pp. 281-302. [Online orders at:]

Loucky, J.P. (2008b). Improving Online Readability and Information. In Hansson, T. (Ed.), Handbook of Digital Information Technologies: Innovations and Ethical Issues. Hershey, Pa.: IGI Global. or,M1

Loucky, J.P. (2008c). Reassessing the educational works and contributions of John Amos Comenius to the development of modern education. Seinan JoGakuin Kiyo 12.

Loucky, J.P. (2008c). Stephen Gill: Poet and Protestor for Peace. In N.K. Agarwal (Ed.), Discovering Stephen Gill: A collection of papers and articles. U.P. India.

Loucky, J.P. (2009). Designing and testing a user-friendly vocabulary knowledge scale for teaching essential English verbs and adjectives to Asian students. Seinan JoGakuin University Kiyo, Vol. 13, pp. 121-146.

Loucky, J.P. (2009). "One World, One Heart" Japanese Translation. Seinan no Mura, Dai 4 Go, Pages 157-164.

Loucky, J.P. (2009). Using CALL and computerized dictionaries to maximize vocabulary and language learning. In World CALL 2008 Proceedings. Pp. 26-29. Online at:

Loucky, J.P. (2009). Enhancing skills essential for effective reading. In A. Cirocki (Ed.), Extensive Reading in English Language Teaching, LINCOM Studies in Second Language Teaching, Muenchen, Germany: LINCOM EUROPA, pp. 47-82.

Loucky, J.P. (2009). Discovering Excellent CALL Programs for Effective Language Education in Various Foreign Languages. APACALL Newsletter, Series No. 1. December 2009, Asia Pacific CALL Newsletter Feature. Pp. 4-10. Feature article in APACALL Newsletter, Series No. 13, December 2009. (Asia-Pacific Association for CALL) [Accessed 12/25/09 from Online PDF at:

Loucky, J.P. (2009). Constructing a roadmap to more systematic and successful online reading and vocabulary acquisition. Literary and Linguistic Computing, Volume 25, Number 2, Pp. 225-241. Online at:

Loucky, J.P. (2010). Comparing portable electronic dictionary function and use. CALICO Journal (September 2010), Vol. 28.1 (September 2010). Online at:

Loucky, J.P., and Tuzi, F.L. (2010). Comparing foreign language learners' use of online glossing programs. IJVPLE 1(4). IGI Global. Online at:

Loucky, J.P. (2010). Designing Distance Learning Tasks to Help Maximize Vocabulary Development. APTEL 2010, Osaka, 9/24. (Full Paper, on Proceedings CD).

Loucky, J.P. (2011). 50 to 5,000 Websites that Empower Language Learners with Online Literacy Tools. In Cheng, J., Gangshan, F., & Xibin, H. (Editors), Technology Enhanced Language Learning. Chapter 2, pp. 9-17. Asia Pacific Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (APTEL 2011). Shaanxi Normal University Press, Xian, China.

Loucky, J.P. (2012). Examining well-integrated online language literacy programs. THE MEDIUM MATTERS: XVth International CALL Research Conference , Conference Proceedings of World CALL 2012. Providence University, Taichung (Taiwan). 25-27 May 2012.

Loucky, J.P. (2013). Scaffolding and improving online reading. English Edu, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1-11.

Loucky, J.P. (2013). TELL and CALL for All: Successful strategy use in second language learning. (2013). The 2013 International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology for Education (ICAICTE 2013), Hainan, CHINA. September 20-22. Atlantis Press, pp. 101-111. Online at

Loucky, J.P. (2013). Improving online readability. Poster Session for JALT Vocabulary SIG, 2nd National Conference at Sangyo University, Fukuoka, JAPAN, 6/2/2013.

Loucky, J.P. (2014). Using innovative Web tools to empower language learners. (Text for Keynote Speech and Conference Proceedings of ICAICTE Conference in Dalian, CHINA). 2014 2nd International Conference on Advanced ICT for Education (ICAICTE 2014), Ed. Deyao Tan, Atlantis Press, Vol. 2, pp. 121-131. (Online at: )

Loucky, J.P. (2015). Can Freedom Survive in Societies Lacking Religious Freedom and Moral Virtue? JIS 26th Symposium, Pasadena, CA. 8/6-/9/2015. . [Forthcoming JIS Journal].

Loucky, J.P. (2015). Factors contributing to successful vocabulary growth: Looking for patterns and principles in English vocabulary learning of Japanese students. JOY, LA.

Loucky, J.P. (2016). Looking for patterns and principles to improve English vocabulary learning. Language Journal. [Forthcoming Indonesian Language Journal].


1) Loucky, J. P. (Forthcoming). How to Maximize Language and Vocabulary Learning Using Internet and ICALL Innovations.

2) Loucky, J. P. (Forthcoming). How to Systematically Improve Vocabulary Skills: Ways to Teach or Learn Foreign Language Vocabulary More Effectively.

3) Loucky, J. P. Shinkansen Express: High-Speed to Rapid Vocabulary Expansion.

4) Having Fun Learning New Language and Vocabulary Using Games and Activities.


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Best Online Collaboration Tools: MindMap by Robin Good

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Key Mind-Map online collaboration categories covered in the map include 150 technologies: VoIP - Instant Messaging Tools ; Video Conferencing ; Screen-Sharing, Remote-Control; Web Conferencing; Co-browsing; Web Presenting; Workgrouping; File Sharing; Document Sharing and Wikis; Collaborative Document Reviewing; Collaborative Event Scheduling; Mind-Mapping; and Project Management.


Online Conferencing Tools

This blog post compares several, user-friendly online, synchronous, group collaboration tools which allow you to meet with others in an online "room" with video, audio, shared whiteboards, and much more

Adobe ConnectNow

This includes many of the features of Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro, such as video and VOIP for all, screen sharing, whiteboards, etc. Since it only allows 3 users to participate in the conference, it may be best just for small synchronous sessions.


Free version of this tool only allows for the presenter's video feed, and 4 users with voice, but does allow 20 users in the room, and includes a whiteboard, a chat area, and some screensharing.


This tool is very full-featured, but the free version allows only 5 users and the site is ad-supported. There is an easy-screenshot feature, lots of plug-ins such as a YouTube Player, a graphing calculator, desktop sharing, and much more.


Yugma's free version requires registration by each of the (up to 20) attendees you host for a meeting. There is a download of Java required as well as a small client. The free version basically allows screen-sharing and chat. There is a Skype version of the client that utilizes the audio and chat within Skype as well.

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Top Text-to-Speech Program Online (TTS)
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ESL Point
ESL Point

A treasure trove of material for teaching and learning English


Mingoville is the world's most creative and comprehensive English language course online for kids of all ages.

Great Picture Book Maker!

Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning

Encyclopedia for Kids

List of A-Z Links to various language Encyclopedias and their Histories

Top 20 Web-based language learning activities/tasks - Andy Johnsons annotated list of most useful CALL sites

Software sales

Free Language Translation Bar for 10 Languages.

Translate this page offers DAILY WORD PUZZLES, Root Word Study, etc to enhance vocabulary mastery and written/verbal skills with Latin & Greek roots.

Google Language Translation Tools
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Free Test of your vocabulary in English, Chinese, German, Japanese, Spanish or Turkish. Test Preparation free for GRE, SAT, TOEFL Tests. Speed-Reading Practice and Word Games. offers many FREE Vocabulary Tests online.

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Computer Adaptive Test of Vocabulary Size & Strength

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WordSmart: Test Your Vocab Level!

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Discovery School
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English Learning Resources
Ken Schmidts Short-List

the Language Resource Room

Word Surfing vocabulary learning strategies

Top ESL & Teacher Sites

TESOLMAX Top Sites Top Sites
The Top Sites for English Learners

ESL Web Guide: Your Guide to the Best ESL/EFL Websites! Recommendations from Daves ESL Cafe.

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I Love Languages

Interesting Things for ESL / EFL Students

ITESLJ's Interesting Things for ESL / EFL Teachers

MES English games and other ESL / EFL resources for teachers

Foreign Word
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Perceptia Press
EConversation, Excel, Music, PowerPoint and Word textbooks. Great texts for personal or class use.
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Itzalist Webring
Bilingual Webring

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