World CALL Directory a Virtual Encyclopedia of all major language learning links, Web dictionaries and Computer-Assisted Language Learning organizations in the world.
Languages (over 500 pairs!), Encyclopedias, Acquisition Activities, Dictionaries Online, Sites or Software for Language Learning.

ANSWERS Encyclopedia gives instant data & glosses.

A to Z Xian Links Directory
ABOUT AUTHOR (articles available) is to help improve Language Education in all areas, including:
 Serving as a Virtual Language Education Encyclopedia;
 Testing and improving CALL Collaboration Areas and Programs: Bilingual, Monolingual & Multilingual Glossing & Translation Programs, Text Analyzers and Readability Programs, Moodle Modules and Browser Add-ons to Enchance CALL;
 CALL Collaboration Tools, Instant Messaging, VoIP Tele-Conferencing Programs;
 Page Foto & File-sharing or Note-taking Programs;
 Web Presentation Tools and Services for Visual Communication;
 Social Networking Programs, Podcasts and Video-Blogs;
 Webtools and Web Content Strategies.

MEMBERS SERVICES Online Encyclopedia
History, Cultural Literacy, Fine Arts, etc.

365 ESL Short Stories: Extensive Reading with full Dictionary and Listening Support! Listening and Reading Free Site for Intermediate ESL Learners delivers any online Newspaper in any language you'd like to read that has one!

'HERS News: Hear, Experience, Read, See'
Simultaneously do Extensive Reading, Listening, & Viewing of Online News (Chen's program using VOA, CNN, etc.)

Lingro Language Learner

Enter any Website to make all words clickable on this site. Lingro remembers all the words you look up, so you can easily review and study them.

Please go here for Quick Start Guide to Snap Account

Language Learning Quick Links

Language learning software
Language learning books & products

My Happy Planet
My Happy Planet

Learn a language. Make friends. Have fun.

A language learning community offering various services to improve your pronunciation, vocabulary, writing & listening.

"The Mixxer"
offers chances to teach your language in exchange for learning another.

Top Toolbox for Learning New Words!
Cobbs LexTutor Offers English / French Dictionary / Concordancer; Text-to-Speech & Word Learning Tests & Tools.

Hypertext Builder (from LexTutor)
Build resource-linked texts for online reading. Wire your own texts so Language Learners can use the support of:
E Audio with Text-to-Speech (TTS) sound
E Concordance + Dictionary/Dictionary only (Monolingual or Bilingual for Chinese, Japanese, Spanish or French (so far)
E Reading-plus: Provides resources to understand every word in any text!

Mr. B's English Learning Links: Cool links for learning English in outline form!
I. Reading Links
II. Writing and Essay Advice
III. Speeches
IV. Listening/Speaking
V. Intercultural Learning Links
VI. Dictionary Sites (Learner- & Other)
VIII. Technical English & Language Learning Technology
IX. Email Keypals
X. More English Learning Links

Logos Home Page
Logos Dictionary

World of Reading

The Largest Language Learning Software Shop
Mention CALL4ALL to get a discount!

Favorite CamSoft Collection of CALL Websites (Graham Davie's Great CALL Glossary)

A-Z Topical CALL Reference Bibliography of Print Media Regarding Technology in Education and Language Learning (Compiled by Vance Stevens)

Search the web for
TESL Links

Maintained by The Internet TESL Journal.

Language-Learning and Teaching Links Index

Excellent language, internet research and search tools.

78 Websites Every EFL Teacher Should Know

English Resources for Students & Teachers (Illustrated CALL Sites)

Internet-Based Language Teaching (Roger Underwood Collection)

Online English Language Center (U. of Oregon)

Mark's ESL World
Weblion Leo's Learning Links

Currency Converter

Weblion Leos Learning Links
Weblion Leos Learning Links

Jones Avenue Adult Centre Computer Assisted ESL

CALL 4 ALLs Mission: To serve the world as a Virtual Language Education Encyclopedia

The overall goal of CALL4ALL.US is to provide all the services one could ever need in overcoming the language barrier. Any services not currently existing on this website can be found through our extensive links including:

  • All known Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) organizations world-wide are listed. Contact us with any we have missed, or with any broken links, or any Recommended Language Learning or CALL Links or Web Dictionaries not yet included, please!
  • Hundreds of excellent mostly free online web dictionaries. English language links can be found in the English to foreign dictionaries, and foreign language links are located in the foreign to English dictionaries.
  • Thousands of great links for teaching or learning English, especially to speakers of other languages, also known as TESOL / ESL / EFL.
  • The most thorough Mother of Bibliographies on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition is found here, with many articles, books and vocabulary learning links recommended on this subject of central importance in learning any language.
  • A full Online Reading Lab has been added, with the kind permission of its author, William Balsamo, as well as links to several other Reading and Language Learning Labs.
  • An advanced online course that is integrated with REAL LANGUAGE USE IN WRITING AND SPEAKING BY "PUSHED OUTPUT PRODUCTION" is included under "Double Your Vocabulary Using the Semantic Field Keyword Approach (SFKA)". Try it!
  • An English for Advanced / Specific / Technical Purposes (EAP / ESP / ETP) Course has been added with articles from various engineering fields, which is processed by using both the "Pushed Output Production" method of the author, along with Rikai.Com's excellent instant access online bilingual glossing.
  • Many other language learning resources are listed here, such as Safe Homestays in English-Speaking Countries, Free International Bible Translations, and Links to Electronic Dictionary and Language Software Vendors for many language pairs.

CALL Collaboration Areas and Recommended Programs

I. Online CALL Collaboration Tools Instant Messaging/VoIP Tele-Conferencing Programs
COLLABORATIVE LEARNING COMMUNITIES FOR EDUCATORS: We will be focusing our community networking efforts on established and dedicated sites geared towards educators. These free, established social networking projects can serve teachers well:

 Classroom 2.0



 PBS Teachers


 We Are Teachers




Chat with live video.


Cross-platform 2-Way Video Chat (Pro & Enterprise only) - allows you to create your own video conference and online meeting classroom, for up to 20 participants, for free! There are no complicated downloads for the meeting participants and no expensive hosting packages for the teacher or school. Dimdim also includes all sorts of useful features for online language teachers like a whiteboard, one to one chat and group chat as well as other handy features like a shared desktop, PowerPoint and PDF file sharing.

Tele-Collaborative program (Free Exchanges)


TEAMNESS is a new and innovative online project collaboration platform. TEAMNESS's main features include task management, messages, file sharing, whiteboard, search engine, RSS and notifications. The service is completely web based free to use.


4 ways conference (Windows only, except Mac running Virtual VM)
ConferenceXP is licensed for non-commercial use, subject to the restrictions in the license.


Cross-platform, for almost unlimited video conferencing


iChat AV is an AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), MobileMe, ICQ and XMPP client by Apple Inc. for their Mac OS X operating system. Using a Jabber-like protocol and Bonjour for user discovery, it also allows for LAN communication. iChat's AIM support is fully endorsed by AOL, and uses their official implementation of the AIM OSCAR protocol. Using a Jabber transport, iChat users may also integrate their MSN, Yahoo! and Google Talk contacts into the Jabber pane. Filled with over 300 features, iChat can turn any video chat into a special event for up to 10 users at a time! Video backdrops, Photo Booth effects, photo slideshows, Keynote presentations, even movies on your Mac - you can share it all using iChat. As of Mac OS 10.5, iChat bears the latest version of Apple's Aqua interface and uses speech bubbles and pictures that are meant to personify the online chatting experience.


Best Online Collaboration Tools: MindMap by Robin Good Collaborative Online Mind-Mapping This Collaborative Map is a live editable map of over 150 of the best free and low-cost online collaboration tools available. This collaboration tools map has the objective of bringing together the most useful, free or low-cost technologies available online. Key Mind-Map online collaboration categories covered in the map include 150 technologies: VoIP - Instant Messaging Tools; Video Conferencing ; Screen-Sharing, Remote-Control; Web Conferencing; Co-browsing; Web Presenting; Workgrouping; File Sharing; Document Sharing and Wikis; Collaborative Document Reviewing; Collaborative Event Scheduling; Mind-Mapping; and Project Management.

4-way, for Mac only

 Online collaboration news radar

Nicolo' Canali De Rossi (
NewMedia Recommendations from Kolabora n.127: Collaboration News Radars Latest Breaking News

All you can do using Video-Chat Teleconferencing Tools

 OoVoo Tutorial

The best free program for 2-3 users at a time!

Offers live streaming Video-Conferencing to your Mobile Phone device (Can set to private or public)


Free 2-way, plus 4-way business 9-way available

 The Best Online Video-Conferencing Tools

for Real-Time Collaboration.
The following sites are reviewed here:

 Online Real-Time Web Applications





 Flash Meeting


 Talk Shoe






 The Best Online Tools for Collaboration - NOT In Real Time

Larry Ferlazzos notes summarized.
The following sites are reviewed:


See Larry Ferlazzos notes here.


See Larry Ferlazzos notes here.


Fliptrack has a Friendship Slide Show feature that lets you jointly create slideshows, including music, with friends and family.

 Google Docs

Google Docs provides online word processor that invites easy collaboration.

 Google Maps

Google Maps has a neat feature so you can create maps with others. The fine blog Free Technology for Teachers has a nice video showing how it works.

 Imagination Cubed

See Larry Ferlazzos notes here.


Kaltura is another site that seems to have some possibilities, though appears a little complicated to me. Its a collaborative video-creation site, and you can either modify videos that are already on the web, or ones that you upload.


Mixbook allows you create a slideshow with collaborators. It seems fairly similar to Fliptrack - without the music.


See Larry Ferlazzos notes here.


Protagonize is going to be a wonderful site for student collaboration, but not until they create a feature that allows private groups to be created. The sites owner says thats going to be coming soon. The site allows you to write basically collaborate in writing choose your own adventure stories that take you on different paths. ESL teachers also call them Action Mazes.

 Sketch Planet

See Larry Ferlazzos notes here.


Shutterfly seems to have a special collaborative feature that allows you to make joint photobooks.

 The Broth

Notes in Larry Ferlazzos blog.


WeBook is an interesting new site that lets you create a topic and then invite people to share stories around the same subject. It looks simple and seems like it might have a lot of potential.

 Zee Maps

Zee Maps is another simple tool for collaborative map creation.


For Mac, Open-Source.

II. Foto & file-sharing or note-taking programs

 Flickr Improves and Adds Video to Slide Shows

Flickr slide shows sure do make it easier to view all those images being shared on a given Flickr/Flickr stream, and the ability to do so has even spurred a healthy-sized third market from developers that offer Flickr slide show tools as well.

 Flickr Adds Send to Friend Feature

III. Web Presentation Tools and Services for Visual Communication
Podcasting, Slideshare, Zoho, etc.

Free Webpage Hosting Spaces with many servers.

Professional Computer and Web Tools

 Robin Goods Latest News RSS Feed Subscription

 Robin Goods new POP video blog

 Web Presentation Tools and Services for Visual Communication

The Best Mobile Social Networking/Videoconferencing Programs and Sites
(From Sharewood n115); Sharewood Guide Aug 18 08
Online Collaboration Tools - New Technologies and Web Services

Offers free document sharing online.

 The Best Websites

Includes Best Web 2.0 Ed Apps, ESL/EFL Sites, Language Learning Sites & Games, Social Studies, Election & Civics Sites, Economics and Job Sites, Life Skills, Online Project Creation & Presentation Sites, Writing, History and Reading Sites, Most Visually Engaging New Sites, Best Current Events, News and Today in History Sites.

IV. Social Networking Programs, Podcasts and Video Blogs

 Drive Money to Your Cause with Social Media

One of the most tangible ways to use social media to effect real world change is through fundraising. Social media provides foundations and individuals with a platform to increase interest in their cause. Web Content Strategies and Recent articles from other Robin Good Newsletters.

 Zoho Launches Document Sharing Tool

Zoho has introduced a tool called Zoho Share that aggregates content from Zoho Writer, Zoho Sheet, and Zoho Show. The tool enables users to share, publish or embed their content in a blog, rate, bookmark, email documents or make them publicly accessible. integrates all major Chat Networks and Social Networking sites. Upload photos, tunes and videos or share relevant articles to groups of friends with similar interests. Profile & live friend updates.

 Social Networking Tools Directory

V. Webtools and Web Content Strategies

 Web-Tools and Collaboration Progams

(Best Advice from Robin Good)


WiZiQ is a no-cost, synchronous online tool; hold group meetings, teach a class session, conduct a virtual study group, and much more.


 Best Live Video Streaming Services Compared

Sharewood Guide

 Newsmastering and News Radars

What Is Newsmastering and What Are News Radars?
RSS News Aggregation and Re-Publishing For Beginners

 MasterViews Issue #239

Web Presentation Tools and Services For Visual Communication:
The Best from Sharewood n99

 PowerPoint Tools and Presentation Design News

August 11th, 2008

 Web Presentation Tools and Services for Visual Communication

The Best From Sharewood n115

 Web Content Strategies

 Best Live Video Streaming Services Compared

Sharewood Guide
MasterViews Issue #239: Online Collaboration News Radar - Latest Breaking News

 Web Presentation Tools and Services for Visual Communication

The Best from Sharewood n108

 PowerPoint Tools And Presentation Design News

September 18th, 2008

 MasterMind Explorer Issue #274

Blog Topics and Bloggers Motivations: State of the Blogosphere 2008

 Blog Trends and Statistics

The State of the Blogosphere 2008 - The Technorati Report

 Online Collaboration Tools

New Technologies and Web Services - Sharewood Guide Sep. 22 08

 Visual Communication And Video Publishing

Selected Tools and Web Services - Sharewood Guide Sep. 21 08

 Media Literacy

Making Sense of New Technologies and Media
by George Siemens - Sep. 20 08

 Information Overload

What It Is and How You Can Avoid It

 The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education - 2007-2009

2009 Top Ten Web 2.0 Applications For Education included: PhotoPeach Wallwisher ProProfs Screentoaster Blerp MapTrot Note Pub Sketchcast Google Voice Gizmoz Grapevine Rooh It! Chirbit PinDax DoInk MapBuzz PodOmatic Flash Meeting Yarp Doodle Hipero Quizlet Ediscio WeToku Embedr Strutta BookRix Toobla

Powered by
IP2Phrase allows you to insert dynamic customizable welcome messages to your web page with geographical information.You can either design your own phrase or use one of their defaults.


The web This site

Google Advanced Search
Google Language Translation Tools
(Lite Version)
Google Multiple Language Search Engines & Translation Tools
(Input any URL or text)

Babel Fish translation

Type or paste text or web address here:
Translate from:
Powered by Systran

FoxLingo The Ultimate Language Tool!

(works only with Firefox)

Web Page Translation, Translated Search, Auto Translation, Text Translation, Language Resources, Learning Languages, etc.

Main Features
  • Page Translation - Translates full web pages (over 1,000 different language pairs)
  • Translated Search - Searches foreign pages using terms written in your language
  • Auto Translation - Automatically translates websites by recognizing their domain
  • Text Translation - Translates text entered in the search box or selected on any web page
  • Language Resources - Over 90 language services (encyclopedias, text-to-speech, etc.)
  • Ixquick - Metasearch engine with unique features, language search and complete privacy
  • Learning Languages - Over 100 links to language learning sites for a variety of languages
  • Freeware - FoxLingo is completely free and contains no adware or spyware
  • Complete Privacy - FoxLingo does not take any information from its users
Supports 45 languages & over 1,000 different language pairs

Afrikaans, Arabic, Aranese, Basque, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Malay, Norwegian, Occitan, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Spanish Latin American, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Welsh

Uses 35 free online web page translator services,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Advanced Vision: Improving Bilingual Education

AVIBE consists mainly of John Paul Loucky`s Research Office at Seinan Women`s University at 1-3-2 Ibori, Kitakyushu, Fukuokaken, JAPAN 803 (Phone / fax: (Japan) 81-93-583-5748)
Collaborators in Japan, U.K., U.S. and Hungary.

Research Areas:

1. Using Electronic or Computerized Bilingual Dictionaries: portable, scanners, software, online.
2. Collecting and organizing recommended TESOL resources / software / sites.
3. Vocabulary Learning Strategies Survey & Taxonomy; Vocabulary Knowledge and Depth of Processing Scales.
4. Recommended Common Core Vocabulary Lists by Topic, Frequency, EAP / ESP Use, etc. Readabilty Studies.
5. Editing contemporary songs for Listening Cloze Exercises.

Authors English Research Articles

Japanese listing of Authors Research Articles


ECTACO Electronic Dictionary


    Into English
    From English

© Ectaco, Inc
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning

Encyclopedia for Kids

DictionaryLink.coms Library of Dictionary and Encyclopedia Links

List of A-Z Links to various language Encyclopedias and their Histories

Asia-Pacific CALL Top Teacher Resource Sites

Word Surfing vocabulary learning strategies



Itzalist Webring
Bilingual Webring

SEO - create one way text link ads to your website for top search engine listings.

February 2025

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If you appreciate the many Free Services provided by this organization of Language Learning Website Links, please consider becoming a supporting member. You will not only gain access to all our Members Only Articles, but also be supporting our important work of CALL-Enhanced Language Learning Research and Development. A percentage is always donated to world charities. Please click here to join.