Read Around the World
Click for quick Site Overview.
50 Web 2.0 Sites for Schools - David Kapuler: CLOUDUCATION
EdTech Toolbox - Web 2 Tools by Task
Our C.A.L.L./C.M.C. computer-mediated communication curriculum exchange page
Effective Language Learning Software
CALL-IS Software Summary
Best Online Collaboration Tools: MindMap by Robin Good
A-Z Directory of ~3,000 Online Learning Tools!
107 Best Websites! TOP 100 SITES & APPS OF 2012
Top 100 Sites/Apps of 2013
Search Engine for Language Courses and Schools Worldwide!
Lists of Free Open Source Software Programs
Common Core Curriculum Maps: Online Digital Resources
Major Language-Learning and Missions Mobilization Sites secure E-Learning Program Discovery Search Engine

Page S Schools for Language Learning; Speaking and Listening Practice Sites; Songs; Sports Sites

Site Search

Insert A-Z Topic of Interest or check in Links Index below.

Mel Zoo: BEST Search Engine with instant previews on a split screen!

A to Z Xian Links Directory
ABOUT AUTHOR (articles available) is to help improve Language Education in all areas, including:
 Serving as a Virtual Language Education Encyclopedia;
 Testing and improving CALL Collaboration Areas and Programs: Bilingual, Monolingual & Multilingual Glossing & Translation Programs, Text Analyzers and Readability Programs, Moodle Modules and Browser Add-ons to Enchance CALL;
 CALL Collaboration Tools, Instant Messaging, VoIP Tele-Conferencing Programs;
 Page Foto & File-sharing or Note-taking Programs;
 Web Presentation Tools and Services for Visual Communication;
 Social Networking Programs, Podcasts and Video-Blogs;
 Webtools and Web Content Strategies.


WebHeads Worldwide: View & Collaborate here!

Improbable Planet: How Earth Became Humanity Home (Astro-Physicist Hugh Rosss GREAT new book)

Visit Connecting All Language Learners

EFL Classroom Blog and Directory (D Deubel)

Collaborative Sharing for Teachers and Webheads using Tapped In Integrates VOA, Daily Proverbs, ESL Podcasts, Quizzes, L1 & L2 Dictionaries and Search Engines.

Kelly Ten-Dictionaries in One Online Encyclopedia
History, Cultural Literacy, Fine Arts, etc.

365 ESL Short Stories: Extensive Reading with full Dictionary and Listening Support! Listening and Reading Free Site for Intermediate ESL Learners delivers any online Newspaper in any language you'd like to read that has one!

'HERS News: Hear, Experience, Read, See'
Simultaneously do Extensive Reading, Listening, & Viewing of Online News (Chen's program using VOA, CNN, etc.)

Lingro Language Learner

Enter any Website to make all words clickable on this site. Lingro remembers all the words you look up, so you can easily review and study them.

Please go here for Quick Start Guide to Snap Account

Language Learning Quick Links

Language learning software
Language learning books & products

My Happy Planet
My Happy Planet

Learn a language. Make friends. Have fun.

A language learning community offering various services to improve your pronunciation, vocabulary, writing & listening.

"The Mixxer"
offers chances to teach your language in exchange for learning another.

Top Toolbox for Learning New Words!
Cobbs LexTutor Offers English / French Dictionary / Concordancer; Text-to-Speech & Word Learning Tests & Tools.

Hypertext Builder (from LexTutor)
Build resource-linked texts for online reading. Wire your own texts so Language Learners can use the support of:
E Audio with Text-to-Speech (TTS) sound
E Concordance + Dictionary/Dictionary only (Monolingual or Bilingual for Chinese, Japanese, Spanish or French (so far)
E Reading-plus: Provides resources to understand every word in any text!

Mr. B's English Learning Links: Cool links for learning English in outline form!
I. Reading Links
II. Writing and Essay Advice
III. Speeches
IV. Listening/Speaking
V. Intercultural Learning Links
VI. Dictionary Sites (Learner- & Other)
VIII. Technical English & Language Learning Technology
IX. Email Keypals
X. More English Learning Links

Logos Home Page
Logos Dictionary

World of Reading

The Largest Language Learning Software Shop
Mention CALL4ALL to get a discount!

Favorite CamSoft Collection of CALL Websites (Graham Davie's Great CALL Glossary)

A-Z Topical CALL Reference Bibliography of Print Media Regarding Technology in Education and Language Learning (Compiled by Vance Stevens)

Search the web for
TESL Links

Maintained by The Internet TESL Journal.

Language-Learning and Teaching Links Index

Excellent language, internet research and search tools.

78 Websites Every EFL Teacher Should Know

English Resources for Students & Teachers (Illustrated CALL Sites)

Internet-Based Language Teaching (Roger Underwood Collection)

Online English Language Center (U. of Oregon)

Nations University
Free online Bible education

Mark's ESL World
Weblion Leo's Learning Links

Currency Converter

Weblion Leos Learning Links
Weblion Leos Learning Links

Jones Avenue Adult Centre Computer Assisted ESL

Search Insightin Dictionary
Find what new words mean right here instantly!



Free download!
Get instant dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia access from your Windows programs with

Concept Mapping
Emap out relationships between conceptual area, semantic field, thematic topics and word relations and associations. Library of Dictionary and Encyclopedia Links

ECTACO Electronic Dictionary


    Into English
    From English

© Ectaco, Inc




Lingo24 Translation
Free translations for major languages Instant Translation for 42 Languages

Lingvosoft free online dictionary
Lingvosoft online dictionary
From language:
To language:

online electronic dictionaries

Speech-enhanced programs for teaching


Give your students fast feedback directly on their work with voice comments.


Allows students to take a photo of a worksheet and type text on top of it. Great for students with motor skill disorders

NaturalReader Text to Speech

Convert PDF files, MS Word documents, and e-books into spoken words.

Short-Term Mission Opportunties


The web is enormous and full of resources. Many of those resources are untrustworthy or inappropriate. Fortunately, there are tools that exist to help teachers find classroom-safe content. Here are some of the best of them:


Search the web safely using this privacy-minded search engine.


Search the web with this search engine's keyword and key phrase filtering system.


Search through only sites that satisfy this service's family-friendly requirements.

Web for Classrooms

Search through age-appropriate content that has been hand-checked by teachers for relevance and trustworthiness.

Photos For Class

Look for classroom-safe photos and images that include author citations and image license terms.

For more: Check out these shelves of tools created by members like you:

Internet Safety

Curated by digital literacy instructional specialist Christine Schein.

Internet Safety

Curated by coordinator of information & technology literacy Jennifer Cirino.

Enjoy these great tools for educators and students! Looking for previous issues of the edshelf Weekly? All Previous EdShelf Issues are available online here at:



Seesaw is a fantastic free iOS app that students can use to create digital portfolios or journals. These journals can contain anything from audio to video, photos, and even drawn upon. Best of all, are the teacher tools that allows educators to create class lists and manage and track all students. Finally, there are a ton of great resources for educators, such as lesson plans, printouts, QR codes for singing up (or class code), parent notifications, and more.

Smartphone Language Tools 2 (JEMA Harvest Magazine)

Symbaloo Tutorials Home

ESL Resources from

Student links for Goose Creek CISD


ProjectWriter is an excellent learning tool that is ideal for teaching and reinforce learning for a wide variety of subjects. Recently, BoomWriter the creators of ProjectWriter released their Science page which shows how PW can be used to create innovative collaborative writing projects or textbooks to build vocabulary and knowledge of the given subject. Also, the flexibility allows educators to use for a single project or incorporate into a whole field of study.

Sex and culture [electronic resource] : Unwin, J. D. (Joseph Daniel

Sex and Culture by Unwin, J. D. (Joseph Daniel), 1895-1936.; Unwin, J. D. (Joseph Daniel), 1895- 1936. Published 1934. Topics Primitive societies, Sexual ethics.

Bryan Hydes commentary on J.D. Unwins thesis in Sex and Culture.

Short-Term Mission Opportunties

SLACK Team Coordinator Tool Video Explanation

Symbaloo Webmix by KIT Grad Yamamoto Kentarou

Simple k12.comLearning Apps for Education

Recommended Sites to share class learning.

Student Tech Conference (2016)

The Prison Of Your Mind - Sean Stephenson

We love the above video from our friends at TEDx, by the powerful and inspirational Sean Stephenson about attitude, conditions and mindset.

Watch this Way to find Freedom in Prison!


Catalogs and prices various multimedia for Language Learning various languages!

Rocket Languages' "Ordinary Ways to Learn a Language Extra-Ordinarily Fast!"


One field that education technology has made a significant impact is students with special needs. Technology offers these individuals many opportunities for communication and interaction. Here are a set of notable tools in this field.

Special Education

Curated by high school district librarian Shonda Brisco.

Communication Apps

Curated by the Louisiana Assistive Technology Centers.

Scholastic Story Starters


SPRK (Schools Parents Robot Kids) program. Sphero has an excellent web page for free downloadable lesson plans (5) that can be used by teachers and students. It includes a teacher guide, student guide, as well as a worksheet. The lessons in the SPRK program focus on Math, Physics, and Computer Science and are designed for 4th-5th graders. Of course, these lessons use the Sphero robotic ball to complete a variety of educational activities that can be done in groups and are easy to integrate into any classroom.

Smart Startups

Sunrise Tracking Tool to protect from Car-jackings! (Kenyan Startup Co.)


Socrative Teacher Reviews - edshelf

Your Socrative account will work with other Socrative Apps and via all browsers at Students can connect to your unique room!


Stopping carjacking criminals in their tracks by text -

SunRise Tracking GPS System (21 Oct 2014) Kelvin Macharia Kuria is the founder of Sunrise Tracking, a car security ... GPS tracking, CCTV and ability to turn engines off remotely via SMS.


Skaffl is a nice new (free) iPad app that I just found out about from iPad Apps for Schools. This app lets teacher hand out assignments and then collect them. Once an assignment has been "handed" in the teacher can then grade and assess students, as well as annotate and ask questions about their assignment, For Kapulers Pinterest board for Educational iOS Apps click here.


Integrates tech, PD, and pedagogical research into a holistic solution to help teachers personalize instruction towards IEP goals.

Squirt's Adventure

Inspired by a kindergarten teacher, this word game helps children associate new words with letters of the alphabet.

Early Childhood Apps

Recommended apps for early childhood classrooms. Curated by classroom teacher Heather Rogers.

Apps for Kindergarten Students at Beloit Public Schools

The apps used in kindergarten at the School District of Beloit in Wisconsin.


A popular and full-featured Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) iOS app to help those who have difficulty speaking.


An iOS app with speech therapy exercises to help people with autism practice rate, rhythm, stress, and loudness of speech.

Calm Myself Down

Designed with Applied Behavior Analysis techniques, this iOS app helps individuals with autism learn how to calm themselves down.


Developed by psychologists, this iOS app helps improve social skills. Designed especially for individuals with Aspergers Syndrome.


This AAC website and Google Chromebook app allows you to create, edit, play, and share communication boards on Google Drive.



Form online study groups to connect with classmates, get help on homework, share notes and get better grades.


A student planner that also tracks how long assignments should take, based on teacher estimates and classmate feedback. - Translates Text on any screen is the translating keyboard that can replace your keyboard in other apps, letting you converse another language. You and a friend can both type in a foreign language, even if it's foreign to you both!


Seesaw is a fantastic free iOS app that students can use to create digital portfolios or journals. These journals can contain anything from audio to video, photos, and even drawn upon. Best of all, are the teacher tools that allows educators to create class lists and manage and track all students. Finally, there are a ton of great resources for educators, such as lesson plans, printouts, QR codes for singing up (or class code), parent notifications, and more. Click for a brief demo

Snapchat introduces live video chat, instant messaging.

Snapchat has added new features - text and video calling - tht make the platform an eye-candy for users and potential investors and buyers

CAST Science Writer

This free website helps students write science or lab reports using scaffolds for each step of the writing process.

Easy Blog Jr

An iOS app designed so early childhood to elementary school students have an easy way to publish a online journal.

National Geographic World Atlas

Need a handy comprehensive world atlas and encyclopedic info on all the countries of the world?

Let Me Google That For You

Perhaps a bit snarky, this website can also be a useful demo of complex Google search queries.


Student Organizers

Curated by high school district librarian Shonda Brisco.

Class Activities

Curated by middle school world history teacher Charsta Simmons.


Modern Chalkboard

Modern Chalkboard is a wonderful new free site for finding SMART board resources. This is a great place to find interactive lessons on a wide variety of subjects such as: Math, Grammar, Science, and Social Studies. Also, this is a nice place to find other resources such as links and help files. For a Pinterest board on Educational Resources click here.


Squify is a new search engine that was just released today. This is a unique engine that show page results n a 3D wheel. A user can turn the wheel to get to the page they want. It has a nice visual which helps to be able to see the page before clicking on it. However, I recommend using caution if you are going to use this in a school setting as there is no built in filter. For Pinterest board on Search Engines click here.


Instead of analyzing a performance, record a scene in slow motion as a special effect for one of your presentation videos.

Self-Accessible Sites

Best Math Sites that Students can use Independently - Letting Teachers Check on their progress.

Little Story Creator

Little Story Creator is a wonderful new iOS app for creating digital scrapbooks or storytelling. As w/ similar apps a user can add text, images/stickers, backgrounds, and even import video into their project. Best of all, a user can record audio to narrate a story. A finished project can then be shared via email or viewed on the web. This can even be used for guided instruction or flipping a classroom.

Student Assessment Tools

Websites and mobile apps for assessing student performance. Curated by middle school teacher Rick Thomas.


Sync music videos with tablature (or "tabs" for short) to enhance your music lessons with the original recordings. Like magic!

Scholastic Book Wizard

Does your district subscribe to Scholastic? Search through their entire catalog with this website and mobile app.

STORIA Schlolastic Free E-Reading App: Create an e-learning classroom with e-reading resources and Storia!

WeAreSocial - Digital Mobile

Media Slideshow Infographic: Regional pictures that capture the stats for every country for Internet, Mobile Phone and Social Media Use - Highest quality visualizations! Social, Digital & Mobile Around the World (January 2014). by We Are Social Singapore on Jan 08, 2014 This report presents all the key statistics, data and behavioural indicators for social, digital and mobile channels around the world.

Rocket Speller

Kids spell words to help a friendly alien build a new rocket. Includes audible hints, visual hints, and adaptive assistance.

Strategies for Successful Language Learning

(Humble humanitarian Scott Bronner's great suggestions)

Strategies for Successful Language Learning: Word Version


Simon's Cat

Storytelling from Cat Cartoons!

Mystery Skype

Mystery Skype is a miracle. We live and learn in a small classroom, small town , small country. How could we travel round the world? Travelling round the world from a small classroom, talking online to other kids is the real wonder. With this fantastic game my small students opened their eyes to the world. Here's a great example:

Mystery Skype Lesson Example (from Robin in Canada).

This Xposed module lets you share any image and portrait video via Snapchat, not only pictures you take with the camera from within Snapchat. When you are viewing an image and click on share, Snapshare will pop up as an option. It will load Snapchat and lets you even paint on the image as if you had just taken it with your camera inside Snapchat. Snapshare will crop your images so they fit into your display. It uses the Xposed framework to intercept launches of Snapchat from Snapshare and do the magic. Because it uses the Xposed framework, it is device and ROM independent.

Science Content Resources from EdShelf!


Designed to work everywhere, fast. Sugarbox requires no installation and works with anything on the Web - including the most complex web apps. Instantaneously collaborate using your favorite browser. A Google Chrome app that enables screen sharing right from your browser. Includes on-screen annotations and recording too.


Using SoftChalk, Laura Lawrence and Tracey DeLillo worked to create a "course" on Intellidemia Concourse, their new e-syllabus system. With a quick turnaround time to get every faculty member in the district familiar with the tool, they were able to put together simple, engaging content that could be updated on the fly as new questions were asked or processes changed. With positive feedback received, and a new appreciation for its ease of use, SoftChalk Cloud has become a go-to tool for other initiatives as well. Your institution can also create easy, engaging faculty training materials using SoftChalk!

School Robins

Need info about a student? Initiate an info request via email to teachers and staff, then get a collated report automatically.


Go here for games, images, animations, and lesson plans. Filter by language and subject.


Sparticl is a new site for finding Science/STEM based resources. STEM fields or STEM education is an acronym for the fields of study in the categories of science, technology, engineering, andmathematics.[1] The term is typically used in addressing education policy and curriculum choices in schools from kindergarten through college to improve the nation's competitiveness in technology development. It has implications for workforce development, national security concerns and immigration policy. There are over 2,500 curated resources on a wide variety of subjects. Best of all a user can login and curate their own lists of resources and even vote/comment on them. [Written by dkapuler on Dec 13, 2013].

Stick Around

Stick Around is the highly anticipated iPad app from Tony Vincent that is an excellent app for teachers to create puzzles, diagrams, quizzes, annotating, and more. SA interface is perfect for education as it allows educators/students to choose from projects or puzzles and then label objects. These games can be used for a wide variety of educational topics such as: labeling parts of a plant, water cycle, cell, etc. Also, users can create them from scratch by drawing or uploading their own picture. Best of all a person can add audio recordings which can be used by students to create digital notes or by teachers for Guided Learning. [Written by dkapuler on Dec 16, 2013].

Strategies for Successful Language Learning

(Humble humanitarian Scott Bronner's great suggestions)

Speech to Speech Automatic Machine Translation

For Major Languages using iOS devices.

Science's Embarassing Failures that Helped it Advance.


Shake-a-Phrase is a fun/educational iOS app for Writing. This app is ideal for educators as it works on different skills such as parts of speech and Vocab. Also, SAP is great for Writing as teachers can use it to create writing prompts. Best of all there is a quiz feature which allows students to test their knowledge on: adjectives, verbs, nouns, etc.

Swimming to Florida from Cuba! Nyad Becomes First to Swim from Cuba to Florida


Shizuoka University of Art and Culture (Hamamatsu, JAPAN)

Streamified Professional Highlights: One Stream

Streamified unifies your social streams. No need to have multiple browser tabs open to see what your friends are up to on all the different social networks. Streamified merges all of your networks into one simple stream.

With a robust interface, you can write one single status update and share it on any number of social networks or all of them at once. And thanks to a built-in image uploader, link shortener, Google Analytics integration, and campaign tracking, your updates will look great no matter what network they get pushed out to.

Help teachers increase their effectiveness with SmarterCookie, an easy video sharing and coaching platform for school PD. Conduct video observations and share best practices with video libraries of exemplar instruction.

AT Basics

Assistive Technologies

Getting started with assistive technologies? This free website offers a wealth of information and resources.


OpenWeb for more Accessibility: Here is a free accessibility-minded web browser for iPhones & iPads that is built with a font specially designed for dyslexic readers.

Handwriting Without Tears

Alphabet Writing Practice for Kids: Need to teach your children the fine motor skills of writing the alphabet? This handwriting practice app will help.


Amara: Created by a non-profit, this free website gives people around the world the necessary tools to caption and translate any online video.


Autism and Speech Disorders App.

This iPhone & iPad app provides a variety of speech therapy exercises to help those with autism spectrum disorders.

Simple English News: Yes, you can learn English!

It's Never Too Late to Learn English, Nanotechnology, The History of Newspapers, etc.

Successful Vocabulary Learning Online

Using CALL and Computerized Dictionaries to Maximize Vocabulary and Language Learning: This Online Slideshare Presentation by JP Loucky provides a systematic roadmap to successful online second language vocabulary acquisition [highly beneficial if you are a non native speaker of English - looking to learn English]. Covers aspects like how to learn new words in any language more effectively, and how to more effectively use the Internet to help enhance online L2 vocabulary and reading development.

Super Teacher Worksheets

Super Teacher Worksheets is one of the best sites around finding worksheets on any number of subjects. Not only can a teacher find print-ables on different subjects such as: Math, Grammar, Writing, Reading, Spelling, Science, and more a educator can even customize their worksheets for their students. For example, if a Math teacher wants to create their own equations to use for their class this is the place to go. Also, STW is a great place to find and customize different exercises such as word searches, cross words and more. BTW, a teacher can access all STW resources for $19.95 or a whole school for $300. [Written by dkapuler on Jun 10, 2013].

PlayScience I

PlayScience I is an excellent iPad app for El Ed studying Science. This app covers the complete Grade 1 curriculum through interactive animations and exercises. PlayScience covers different topics such as: Plants, Animals, Our Earth, Weather and Sky, Matter, and Energy and Motion. This is a great way for teachers to engage students and "flip" their classroom through a variety of activities such as: crosswords, word association, multiple choice, T/F, and more. Finally, there is a high replay value as students earn "play money" by completing activities and buy fish, toys, or plants for their aquarium. [Written by dkapuler on Jun 06, 2013].


ClassXP is an innovative new site that will be launching soon. This site uses the "gamification" (popular term for using game-based learning) to display student's grades in an interactive digital environment. This works by engaging students and motivating them as they have a unique environment/dashboard where they can create their own avatar, monitor their grades, and gain XP. As they progress through the year they will gain XP for accomplishments and have the ability earn badges and more. [Written by dkapuler on Jun 05, 2013].

Soo Meta Has Potential As A Presentation Tool

Soo Meta lets you combine segments of videos, text, tweets and images into one presentation. One nice feature is that you can easily grab those items off the Web through a simple search option (though, for me, the image search wasn't working). You can read more about it at Richard Byrne's blog and at 10,000 Words, which called it a "Storify For Video."

Free Open Source to download or develop free Open Source Software for Japanese. SourceForge.JP is a Japanese version of For developments that are not related to Japan, we recommend you to use

Starcatcher SAT Vocabulary Study Program on Facebook

See various Search Engines all on one page for Simultaneous Searching!

Skype Free Download


Dio is a new interactive tool from Linden Labs, the creators of Second Life.

Infographic: Global Slavery, By The Numbers

Global Slavery, By the Numbers is how The New York Times described this new infographic.

SMALL, Social-media assisted language learning sites and programs:

Vance Stevens Online Facilitator

Vance Stevens - link 2

Vance Stevens' CALL Coach Overview

Modeling and Demonstrating

Grassroots Social Networking

Web of Science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Web of Science is an online academic citation index provided by Thomson Reuters. It is designed for providing access to multiple databases, cross-disciplinary research, and in-depth exploration of specialized subfields within an academic or scientific discipline. As a citation index, any cited paper will lead to any other. Titles included are listed here

Save and share Slideshows via Other tools by same company include

Social Streams streamlined into one beautiful online journal! With the flick of a finger see many posts cascade vertically down the page. Scroll horizontally to see your Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and other Social Streams. Quickly find and Bookmark posts meaningful to you. Never miss a moment in the lives of people you care about. Be one of the lst to get it on the iPad, iPhone and iPod!


Top 30 Social Networks for Education - a list of educational resources posted to a board in Pinterest. Included here are all the educational networks I could find. [by dkapuler]


Learn from movies, music, TV shows, news articles, magazines, books, and more

With StudyStream, studying begins directly with learning to understand what most interests you from online videos to news articles to blogs. By studying that which interests you most, you can efficiently learn the words and expressions that are most important to you without wasting time on irrelevant concepts that are easily forgotten. It also ensures that you learn natural expressions that are commonly used by native speakers. Study without limits--Learn from online videos, news articles, blogs, and other content found online. Learn whatever interests you the most (sports, fashion, travel, etc.) without ever running out of things to study. Native Japanese speakers can go straight to the Japanese page at and Spanish learners at

ShortForm Looks Like A Nice Way To Collect Your Favorite Videos Into Your Own "Channel"

ShortForm lets you grab videos from YouTube, Vimeo and Hulu to create your own video "channel" that can also be embedded. In addition, you can create live events where videos can be shown to an audience. You can read more about it at TechCrunch. Find more at The Best Ways To Create Online Video Playlists.


Language Learning Strategies

(LL = Language Learning) Strategies

50 Language Learning Strategies (adopted from Gold spiral booklet p. 10)

Powering the Sharing Revolution

ShareThis offers the most innovative sharing platform for today's social audience by inspiring people to do more of what we believe is the foundation of digital life - to share data with others.


Shelfster is a new (beta) site from the award winning, Free Technology 4 Teachers. I like to think of this site as a cross between a social bookmarking site and a paper writing site. It allows a user to bookmark and annotate any websites they like. However, it also allows a user to create a document and then edit it by dragging/dropping bookmarks. A finished product can be saved online or exported to PDF. There are also some nice features soon to come, such as the ability to publish to favorite social networking sites and export to Google Docs. [Written by dkapuler on Dec 08, 2011 09:22 am.] For his top 10 sites for bookmarking/annotating websites click here.




SurDoc is a new (beta) site for storing documents and backing them up to the web. These documents can be viewed by any mobile device and then shared w/ others users. This is ideal for those that want a safe and easy way to backup items on their computer. A free app has to be installed and then syncs w/ the web. [Written by dkapuler on Jan 04, 2012 01:37 pm]


SAILOn (Subject Area Interactive Lessons Online) is a wonderful site for educational resources that I found out about from, David Andrade's wonderful blog. This site has resources for Primary, Intermediate, and High School grade levels. Also, lessons can be searched for by grade level for easy navigation. (Written by dkapuler on Dec 20, 2011 06:57 pm)


Spelling City is a site I've been exploring a lot lately and must say am throughly impressed. This has to be one of, if not one of the best sites I've come across for spelling and vocabulary for a long time. Also, this is a multifaceted site that can be used by educators, parents, or students. Once an account is created the first thing a user will be able to do is create a list. These lists are custom made and can be any word the user likes. One of the coolest features of SC is how a word entered in a list is provided w/ a definition and a sentence.Again as w/ most things in Spelling City, these definitions and sentences can be customized. These lists can also be assigned groups for organization purposes.

After a list is made a user has the ability to then play and search through different games that incorporates these lists. More games and features are available for those w/ a paid premium membership. These games are interactive and divided up between Spelling and Vocabulary. Also, these games can be turned into worksheets and printed out. (Written by dkapuler on Dec 20, 2011 04:37 pm)

Students can then be created by giving them a username and password. They can then be assigned to assignments which is one of the best features of Spelling City. Assignments are created by selecting a word list and choosing what areas to add such as: games, "teach me" (an innovative way to learn a word), writings, etc. Instructions can then be left for students as well as a due date.

Some other nice features are:

-online video tutorials

-very easy to use and user friendly

-ability to share and search already existing lists by category

-broad in spectrum for varying age levels such as:

-worksheets and alphabetical for younger kids

-writing skills practice and parts of speech for older kids

-ability to create printables/worksheets

-premium membership offers lots of features such as student tracking, best activities, no ads, etc

-more features are always coming


Spelling Connections is a wonderful site that for spelling and vocab that I just found out about from Larry Ferlazzo's blog. This has an educational portal that focuses on vocabulary, proof-reading, and spelling through the use of educational games.


Speak and Spell is a fun site for younger kids learning how to spell and pronounce English words. They learn through these interactive online games, stories, and sounds.

Science Sites: Best of 2011

The Best Science Sites Of 2011 are the latest in Ferlazzo's end-of-the-year "The Best" lists. As usual, sites on this list must be available free-of-charge and student resources must be accessible to English Language Learners. You might also be interested in:

The Best Science Sites Of 2011 - So Far

The Best Science Websites - 2010

The Best Science & Math Sites - 2009

The Best Science & Math Websites - 2008

The Best Science Websites For Students & Teachers - 2007

Science and Technology Apps

Science Apps

Social Studies Apps


Sound Jay is an excellent site for finding free audio effects. These effects are in a number of different categories such as: music tracks, transportation sounds, button sounds, etc. The only stipulation is that these sounds can't be posted for download.


Showbie unlocks the creative potential of your classroom iPads with easy document sharing right from your favourite apps.


SendHub is a wonderful site/app for sending text messages to students/parents/groups in a safe secure way. SendHub creates a unique # for users to use to collaborate w/ students and parents. This is an ideal way to send class updates, notifications, and more to keep parents and students in the loop. Also, this is a nice tool to use for districts that use BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for mobile learning. (Kapuler)

Lifesaving Scientists - A to Z

Science Online Reading Program

Links to More About the Scientist & the Science:


Wow! Check Out Google's New "100,000 Stars"

100,000 Stars is a new interactive from Google that is an amazing visualization of the universe. It can only be viewed in Chrome. I liked

"taking a tour," which you can click on in the upper left hand corner.

Science Leadership Academy (SLA)

The Science Leadership Academy is a partnership high school between the School District of Philadelphia and The Franklin Institute. SLA is an inquiry-driven, project-based high school focused on twenty-first-century learning.

Springfield Township Virtual Library

The Springfield Township Virtual Library is a wiki-based virtual library for the Springfield Township High School, Pennsylvania, maintained by librarian Joyce Valenza.

State of the Art

A blog by digital writer and artist Chris Joseph.

Student Technology Leadership Program, Kentucky Department of Education

The Student Technology Leadership Program is a Kentucky Department of Education project-based learning program that empowers students in all grade levels to use technology to learn and achieve.

Public Domain Sherpa

The Public Domain Sherpa site provides information on finding and using public domain material in the United States.


Annotate any web page by highlighting some text and leaving a sticky note with your comments. All highlights and notes are saved in the cloud. Basic Plan Free! 125 MB. Richly annotate web pages in multiple colors & styles. Save web research online & access it from anywhere. Use simple keywords to search full text of saved research. Use tags to quickly and easily organize research by topic. Easily share annotated web research with others via email. This is a great website for students to research, organize, annotate, take notes, collaborate, and write research papers.


An iPhone app that measures distance and height using... your shoe size? Challenge your students to do the same calculations this app does.

123D Sculpt

There's an app for just about anything. This iPad app lets you sculpt a 3D model like a piece of clay, but without getting your hands dirty.

Science Heroes

Lifesavers from book "Scientists Greater Than Einstein" (by Billy Woodward)

"Skqueak" Looks Like A Great App For Providing Audio To Photos

Skqueak is a new free iPhone app I like a lot that lets you easily provide audio for photos. There are several other apps on various "The Best" lists I'll be sharing shortly in the post that do something similar. However, I suspect that Skqueak is going to give them a run for their money. It's very simple to use, it appears to have a very extended recording time (though I'm not sure what the time limit is exactly) and, most importantly, it makes it extremely easy to create sort of a seamless audio slideshow. None of the other similar apps have such an ability, or at least one that is as easy to use. I'm adding it to The Best Sites For Beginning iPhone Users Like Me and to The Best Sites To Practice Speaking English.


Sophia is a social learning network that I've blogged about in the past. It's been awhile since I've been here and am glad that I've revisited this wonderful site. This is a great place for any educator or student looking to find resources or learn a subject. This is all done through a very user friendly interface and filled w/ lots of video tutorials and resources to look through. Also, Sophia is a great place for a teacher looking to "flip" their classroom. For Kapuler's Pinterest board on Social Networks in Education click here.


Spanish Verb Chart is an excellent interactive chart/application for verb conjugation. This chart helps people learn the Spanish language by illustrating the 14 basic verb tenses of the Spanish language. Also, it is ideal for Teachers of the Spanish language and can be used on any iOS device. ($4).


Study Champs is an excellent site that I found out about from Free Technology 4 Teachers. This is an excellent site for online interactive quizzes for Math, English, and Science. Also, this site offers a variety of educational resources such as: tutorials, games, printables, and more. For Kapuler's Pinterest board on Educational Resources click here.

Use "Nulu" To Learn Spanish

Nulu is a relatively new site for learning Spanish. You can pick a variety of news stories to have read to you, and the English translation is shown. You can also easily create flash cards for words that you want to study. Unfortunately, it's all text-based and has no visuals. It has potential but it's not yet among The Best Sites For Learning Spanish Online.

Google's New "100,000 Stars"

100,000 Stars is a new interactive from Google that is an amazing visualization of the universe. It can only be viewed in Chrome. I liked "taking a tour," which you can click on in the upper left hand corner.

English Spelling Poems: (English crazy spelling)

SCRIPTS and SPEECH SITES (also helps pronunciation & listening)

MOVIE & TV Scripts (words said) for learning English pronunciation & listening in a fun way!

SIMPLY Scripts

Free movie, TV, radio scripts (words said) for good listening & repeating practice for pronunciation, stress & rhythm.

MOVIE Scripts

Another less easy to use Scripts

TV Scripts

Hong Kong TV Scripts

Great sample student video speeches and the whole process of speech making. To start, click on link below title: HTML & Streaming WMV video

Great public speaking website for high level listeners: (no ESL help)

Safe, voice chat and even free English classes online. [Note: needs computers to be set up to allow javascript/ActiveX to download a & install a file and a microphone for communication]

Site on making speeches/presentations

Save and share Slideshows via

Social Streams streamlined into one beautiful online journal! With the flick of a finger see many posts cascade vertically down the page. Scroll horizontally to see your Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and other Social Streams. Quickly find and Bookmark posts meaningful to you. Never miss a moment in the lives of people you care about. Be one of the lst to get it on the iPad, iPhone and iPod!

Social Networks for Education - Pinterest

Top 30 Social Networks for Education - a list of educational resources posted to a board in Pinterest. Included here are all the educational networks I could find. [by dkapuler]


Learn from movies, music, TV shows, news articles, magazines, books, and more

With StudyStream, studying begins directly with learning to understand what most interests you from online videos to news articles to blogs. By studying that which interests you most, you can efficiently learn the words and expressions that are most important to you without wasting time on irrelevant concepts that are easily forgotten. It also ensures that you learn natural expressions that are commonly used by native speakers. Study without limits - Learn from online videos, news articles, blogs, and other content found online. Learn whatever interests you the most (sports, fashion, travel, etc.) without ever running out of things to study. Native Japanese speakers can go straight to the Japanese page at and Spanish learners at

ShortForm Looks Like A Nice Way To Collect Your Favorite Videos Into Your Own Channel

ShortForm lets you grab videos from YouTube, Vimeo and Hulu to create your own video "channel" that can also be embedded. In addition, you can create live events where videos can be shown to an audience. You can read more about it at TechCrunch. Find more at The Best Ways To Create Online Video Playlists.


Language Learning Strategies

50 Language Learning (LL = Language Learning) Strategies (adopted from Gold spiral booklet p. 10)

Powering the Sharing Revolution

ShareThis offers the most innovative sharing platform for today's social audience by inspiring people to do more of what we believe is the foundation of digital life - to share data with others.


Shelfster is a new (beta) site from the award winning, Free Technology 4 Teachers. I like to think of this site as a cross between a social bookmarking site and a paper writing site. It allows a user to bookmark and annotate any websites they like. However, it also allows a user to create a document and then edit it by dragging/dropping bookmarks. A finished product can be saved online or exported to PDF. There are also some nice features soon to come, such as the ability to publish to favorite social networking sites and export to Google Docs. [Written by dkapuler on Dec 08, 2011 09:22 am.]

SLOAN Consortium 2011

Emerging technologies (ET4) for Online Proceedings


SurDoc is a new (beta) site for storing documents and backing them up to the web. These documents can be viewed by any mobile device and then shared w/ others users. This is ideal for those that want a safe and easy way to backup items on their computer. A free app has to be installed and then syncs w/ the web. [Written by dkapuler on Jan 04, 2012 01:37 pm]


SAILOn (Subject Area Interactive Lessons Online) is a wonderful site for educational resources that I found out about from, David Andrade's wonderful blog. This site has resources for Primary, Intermediate, and High School grade levels. Also, lessons can be searched for by grade level for easy navigation. (Written by dkapuler on Dec 20, 2011 06:57 pm)

Spelling City - A Closer Look

Spelling City is a site I've been exploring a lot lately and must say am throughly impressed. This has to be one of, if not one of the best sites I've come across for spelling and vocabulary for a long time. Also, this is a multifaceted site that can be used by educators, parents, or students. Once an account is created the first thing a user will be able to do is create a list. These lists are custom made and can be any word the user likes. One of the coolest features of SC is how a word entered in a list is provided w/ a definition and a sentence. Again as w/ most things in Spelling City, these definitions and sentences can be customized. These lists can also be assigned groups for organization purposes. After a list is made a user has the ability to then play and search through different games that incorporates these lists. More games and features are available for those w/ a paid premium membership. These games are interactive and divided up between Spelling and Vocabulary. Also, these games can be turned into worksheets and printed out. (Written by dkapuler on Dec 20, 2011 04:37 pm)

Students can then be created by giving them a username and password. They can then be assigned to assignments which is one of the best features of Spelling City. Assignments are created by selecting a word list and choosing what areas to add such as: games, "teach me" (an innovative way to learn a word), writings, etc. Instructions can then be left for students as well as a due date.

Some other nice features are: online video tutorials, very easy to use and user friendly, ability to share and search already existing lists by category, broad in spectrum for varying age levels such as worksheets and alphabetical for younger kids, writing skills practice and parts of speech for older kids, ability to create printables/worksheets, premium membership offers lots of features such as student tracking, best activities, no ads, etc, more features are always coming.

Spelling Connections

Spelling Connections is a wonderful site that for spelling and vocab that I just found out about from Larry Ferlazzo's blog. This has an educational portal that focuses on vocabulary, proof-reading, and spelling through the use of educational games.

Speak and Spell

Speak and Spell is a fun site for younger kids learning how to spell and pronounce English words. They learn through these interactive online games, stories, and sounds.

Science Sites and Famous Scientists:

The Best Science Sites Of 2012 - So Far

I'm continuing my mid-year "The Best" lists so that it makes it a little easier for me to create end-of-the-year ones. You might also be interested in:

Science Sites: Best of 2011

The Best Science Websites - 2010

The Best Science & Math Sites - 2009

The Best Science & Math Websites - 2008

The Best Science Websites For Students & Teachers - 2007

Planet Quest: The Search For Another Earth is an "out of this world" site from NASA.

Science and Technology Apps

Science Apps

Social Studies Apps

Sound Jay

Sound Jay is an excellent site for finding free audio effects. These effects are in a number of different categories such as: music tracks, transportation sounds, button sounds, etc. The only stipulation is that these sounds can't be posted for download.


30hands Learning

30hands Learning is an excellent company for creating an innovative LMS (Learning Management System) as well as a free iOS app that is ideal for digital storytelling. The 30hands community is a perfect cloud based solution that allows educators to: manage/track students, hand in/out assignments, schedule events, and more. This free iOS app uses an easy drag-n-drop interface to allow users to take or upload/draw images. Once the images are uploaded they can then be dragged into any order. Finally, a user can then record their audio to narrate a story. It can then be saved to the users' device or shared into the 30hands Learning community. This is an excellent free tool to integrate technology into the classroom that can be used by any subject.


Storyboard That is a fantastic Web 2.0 tool for digital storytelling w/ educational portal. It allows educators to create student accounts (even batch upload) and assign them to their class via a URL and unique code (i.e. ClassDojo). Not only can an educator create, manage, adjust privacy settings, they can create storyboard templates and assignments for their class. Everything COPPA compliant and very safe to use in an educational setting. Storyboard That is a very easy tool to use w/ its drag-n-drop interface and allows students to seamlessly create a storyboards by adding images, clip art, text, record narration, etc. There is even an innovative slideshow button that turns storyboards into slideshows that easily allows students or teachers to share presentations up on a big screen. A finished product can then be downloaded as a PDF, shared via a link, exported into a PPT, or embedded into a site/blog. Best of all are new "Teacher Guides" that are aligned to Common Core standards and contain plot diagrams, Q/A, character maps, and much more. Educators are using these for project-based learning, digital storytelling in a number of different ways to assess students' learning on a project or story.


Prodigy is a fantastic free online Math game that is ideal for Game Based Learning. This super fun highly engaging game designed for grades 1st-6th and is aligned to Common Core Standards. Best of all is the teacher portal which allows for educators to assess students and get instant real-time reporting. Prodigy, even has a unique learning engine which allows the game to differentiate instruction and help students w/ areas they are struggling in. Teachers can modify the game to suit their needs and select which skills their students need to focus on too. Also, Prodigy is browser based and works on any device (i.e iPad or Chromebook).

iPresent Online

David Kapuler's EdShelf BLogspot with great Digital Storytelling recommendations

30hands30hands is a wonderful iOS app for digital storytelling. It's a perfect mobile learning tool that can be used in any curriculum for all grade levels. It has a very easy to use drag-n-drop interface and allows students record their audio on top of images to create a digital story. Once a story is created, it can then be exported to a camera roll or published to 30hands educational website for sharing.

Story Creator

Story Creator is a wonderful iOS app for digital storytelling that I found out about from Sue Gorman. This app allows users to create interactive books that contain: audio, video, text, and images. One of my favorite features is that it helps students learn how to read by highlighting text as it is read. For Kapuler's Pinterest board on Digital Storytelling clickhere. For his Edshelf collection on Digital Storytelling click here.


KnowRe is an interesting new (beta) site for learning Math that I just found about from Larry Ferlazzo. This is a nice place where students can learn at their own pace and earn rewards such as digital badges for accomplishments. A nice feature for teachers is that is is aligned to common core standards and teacher can track and get real-time results on student data. [Written by dkapuler]

Story Creator

Story Creator is a wonderful iOS app for digital storytelling that I found out about from Sue Gorman. This app allows users to create interactive books that contain: audio, video, text, and images. One of my favorite features is that it helps students learn how to read by highlighting text as it is read.

StorySmith Medieval Kingdom

Stack the States

Stack the States is a wonderful iOS app for learning about different facts and shapes of the 50 US states. The game is simple in where a student tries to answer a question about a state and then stack them up to reach a "finish line" (think Tetris) Once the line is a hit the user moves on to the next board. This game helps teach students about the: US capitals, nicknames, state shapes, Geography, and more.

Map Tales

Map Tales is an interesting site that is ideal for digital storytelling. The way this works is a user creates a story that integrates w/ a map by plotting points/locations. These "points" contain information and images that the user creates. This is a great way to share a story w/ visuals or even engage audiences w/ an exciting book report. Best of all once a Tale is created, it can then be embedded into a site and shared w/ others.

Sketch Star

Sketch Star is a cool site for creating custom animations frame by frame. A user has lots of tools to choose from such as: puppets, objects, brushes, etc. After a frame is completed it can be arranged into order by dragging-n-dropping on the timeline (think iMovie). [Written by dkapuler on Feb 17, 2013].


Biteslide Student Competition

Biteslide is one of my favorite educational Web 2.0 sites for teachers/students. This is a free site that allows teacher to manage/track students accounts and progress, no student email is needed. What is Biteslide? Biteslide is an innovative site for Project Based Learning that allows students to create a "slidebook" which is similar to a digital scrapbooks. These books are interactive and allow students to upload all kinds of content (ie. text, video, images, etc). Once these books are created they can be shared w/ others online in a safe environment. Right now Biteslide is offering a student competition based on a favorite historical figure.

i Tell a Story

i Tell a Story is an excellent free app for digital storytelling. It closely resembles how Garageband is used to create a podcast. A user can upload a photo and then record their voice narrating a story. Best of all, a person can add sound effects from a built-in sound library or any audio from their iTunes library. A finished story is saved as a mp4 file and can be shared w/ others via email.

Storify announced some major changes, and its now one of the easiest tools to use to create a multimedia digital story. You can search the web for just about anything, including images, tweets, webpages, photos and videos, and use their "drag-and-drop" interface to add your own text and create a story (or a collection of labeled images, or just about anything). It's really become quite versatile, and it would be difficult to find a tool that's easier to use. You can also read this post from Read Write Web sharing other uses for the tool. See more of The Best Ways To Create Online Slideshows and some of The Best Digital Storytelling Resources.

Storybook Maker

Storybook Maker is a fun site for digital storytelling using the characters from Horton Hears a Who. This site is easy to use and allows a user to create a 3 scene story by adding characters, backgrounds, music, and text. Once a story is finished it can then be printed out or turned into a PDF if using a Mac. For my Pinterest board on Digital Storytelling click here.

Story Patch

Story Patch is a wonderful app ($2.99) for the iPad for digital storytelling. This app allows users to create a story from scratch or build one using their money templates. A user can add text to each page, objects, characters, backgrounds, etc. Once a story is finished, it can then be shared w/ others via email as a PDF.

Strip Designer

Strip Designer is a wonderful comic creation app ($2.99) for the iPad that is ideal for digital storytelling. This app allows users to select their layout and theme and then add pics from either camera or draw their own. Also, a user can add speech bubbles and a variety of stickers. Best of all a person can share their story by exporting to email as a jpg or PDF or by sharing to popular social networking sites.

Story Place

Story Place is a great site for watching and listening to interactive animated stories. These stories are for Pre-K and Elementary Ed. age students. The animations are done in a cartoon style (ie, Brain Pop) and let the user name their characters and click on the text to hear it speak.


There are lots of sites for online pumpkin carving, but Spookathon is one of my favorites. The reason for this is that it is simple to use, there are lots of carving tools to choose from, and a person can even paint on their pumpkin and light it up w/ a candle inside. Also, there are other fun activities to find on this site as well.


Story Something is a fun and great interactive storytelling site for kids. This is a great place for kids to go to read along w/ short stories and be able to interact w/ them. By interact I mean, kids can click on some pictures or even edit a story by removing some of the words and replacing them w/ others (think Madlibs). (Written by dkapuler)

Smart Words (learn these to impress your teacher and friends!)



SchoolRack is a nice site for teachers to create a free website or blog. There are some nice features as creating a student or parent portal for sharing information. Also, a teacher can create a mailing list which is nice when wanting to send an email to a group of people. A teacher even has the ability post and monitor classroom assignments. For Kapuler's top 10 Website Creators click here.


Classtell is a wonderful site for educators to create an educational website. This is easy to do w/ a nice user interface. Also, a teacher can password protect any on their web pages or control who can view them for excellent privacy controls. For Kapuler's top 10 sites for website creators click here.


Shareflow lets you set-up "threaded" conversations on different topics - all in the same place. This kind of message board can be useful for a project involving collaboration among multiple classrooms.

Our E-Book Services and Add-On Tool to Scan & Read any text better!


Screen Chomp is a nice free app for the iPad that is ideal for creating a screen cast. A user has the ability to upload a photo into a background and then draw all over the image/screen. Once the recording of the movie is done, it will be uploaded to Screen Chomp's site. A url can then be shared w/ others for viewing. While still not ideal, as it would be nice to "own" your own movie for embedded/sharing, it is better than ShowMe, which only allows a user to upload to their Co. site. [ Written by dkapuler on Aug 24, 2011 12:26 am]


ShowMe is an app for the iPad I just learned about from the award nominated blog, Langwitches. This is a great site for creating a screen cast because of its simplicity. It is very user friendly, and a user has the ability to draw or upload an image. However, one critical feature I think is missing is the ability to export a movie into something that can be downloaded. The only feature available is to upload the movie onto ShowMe's website. [ Written by dkapuler on Aug 24, 2011 12:26 am]

"Smurf Yourself"

Smurf Yourself lets you choose and dress a Smurf, record it saying something, and then send or post it on blog or website. No registration is required. It's a fun and simple way for students to practice their English. You might also be interested in learning about similar apps at The Best Ways To Create Online Content Easily & Quickly In 2011 - So Far.


Spellzone is a new interactive site to learn and practice spelling. It has practice activities, games, and I especially like that the words are grouped based on spelling patterns - plus, they have audio, too! The only negative, and it's a big one, is that the words are not used in sentences. See more at The Best Spelling Sites, just updated.


Startaid is a site for social bookmarking that allows users to track and share their favorite sites. A nice feature is the home page that shows the top lists of sites bookmarked.

[Written by dkapuler on Aug 22, 2011 08:40 pm ] For my top 10 sites for social bookmarking click here.


Splicd is an excellent site for editing YouTube videos. All a user has to do is enter a URL and then select their start/stop times to grab the clip of the video that they want. Click here for top 10 YouTube goodies.

Story-mapping; Mindmap for Storytelling

Storytelling Skills and Topics


Stencyl is a site that I found out about from the innovative/award winning educator, Richard Byrne. This is a site that reminds me a lot of Alice Storytelling and Scratch, in the way that it teaches programming skills for making games. This is done in a drag-n-drop interface by snapping blocks together (ie, Scratch). Written by dkapuler.

Slimbrowser Free Download



PhotoShow is an excellent site for making visually stunning slideshows. All a user has to do is register, then upload photos, select them, add items/effects/stickers etc, and then save/download/share. For Kapuler's top 10 slideshow creators, click here.


Reel is a wonderful site for creating amazing presentations by uploading files, PPT, or PDF's. Once the presentation is completed a user can embed it into their site or share a unique URL w/ others. Also, there is thumbs up/down button for others to click to rate your slideshow. For Kapuler's top 10 sites for creating a slideshow click here.

Slideshare now using HTML 5 for all devices!


Slime Kids is a fun new site from Free Technology 4 Teachers. SK has tons to offer elementary students such as book reviews, games, trailers etc. The games cover topics such as grammar, spelling, and typing. While the book trailers show a video about the book and might be the coolest thing on the website. They also indicate the book's reading level and genre information when you hover over the book cover picture. Hugely helpful for teachers and students!


CALL4ALL's experimental Social Network

MY PAGE is the first social network for kids, the coolest website that helps you create your own page and customize it! Play with kidgets and choose among quizzes, games, colouring, videos and tests!" Is a direct quote off their site and looks to be a great/safe place for kids to learn about 21st tools. There is a parental control system that allows parents to track their child's progress on the web, who is browsing their's, password protection, etc.


SoapBox is an excellent website that acts as a backchannel chat for audiences/students. A teacher can use this to go along w/ a lecture and get instant/real-time feedback. Best of all, there is a filter that blocks out inappropriate language.


Study Rails is a new (beta) site for helping students study and organize/manage their homework. This is done for a cheap monthly rate and allows for: scheduling of assignments, text messaging to phone for reminders, blocking other websites, etc.


Social Studies GAMES on important Social Issues.

Canadian secondary Social Studies teacher Mike Farley has gone far beyond my sharing of games. He writes a blog where he lists the links to fifteen excellent Social Studies-related games. Mike also shares in his blog are student hand-outs for all those games. They're a real gold mine! They are excellent models that can be easily modified.

IM Best Free Text-to-Speech and Translation (TTS) Program Online!


Social Decks is a nice site for creating flash cards on any subject. Flash Cards are shared w/ others via a unique URL and images can be added to cards too. A user can search through online cards as well. are Blogs for Using Skype in Classroom Collaborations!

"Step Station"

Step Station is a new site that lets users create simple step-by-step directions to doanything. It's among The Best Places Where Students Can Write For An "Authentic Audience."


Shared Study Packs:

Utilium is a new (beta) site for organizing and sharing resources w/ students. This is done by creating "study packs". Study packs can contain: videos, podcasts, articles, etc. A user can either create a study pack from scratch or use/edit a preexisting one.


Imageloop is a cool new free site/app for creating slideshows. This is an app for iPhoto/iPod touch that allows users to snap a photo and then immediately create a slideshow w/ the touch of a button. Once the slideshow is created it can then be shared to popular social networking sites, (ie, Twitter/Facebook). Check out Imageloop by clicking here!! For Kapuler's top 10 sites for creating a slideshow click here.



LaunchpadEDU is an educational portal for Launchpad iOS apps. This portal focuses on the use of the excellent digital storytelling app, Toontastic. Toontastic is easily one of the best iOS apps I've seen for digital storytelling because of how easy it is to use and the excellent features it allows students to use. LaunchpadEDU is a site that has a wide variety of resources for educators looking to integrate Toontastic into their classroom, such as: worksheets, printables, and lesson plans based on grade level. [Written by dkapuler on May 23, 2013].

Meo-Graph Digital Storyteller!

More ways to flexibly tell your story, while maintaining magic ease-of-use, are coming soon!


StoryToolz is a wonderful site for LA/Writing teachers that I just found out about from Free Technology 4 Teachers. This is fantastic place to find word prompts or story starters for students looking to create a composition. This can be done by choosing either: random conflicts, story idea generator, or half title generator. These buttons create a list of different ideas to create a story. If a person wants to create a new list all they can create a new list w/ a click of a button. Also, StoryToolz has a list of helpful tools for writers such as: word count meters, readability (get a Reading Level of your writing), and cliche buster (make sure your writing is unique and original). I also recommend using StoryToolz in combination w/ BoomWriter to create some dynamic writing!!! [Written by dkapuler on Jun 12, 2013].

Story-Mapping Form

Humorous Video on Storymaking Process

Book Report Alternatives (from Pearson Publishing)

Here are some interesting and creative ideas about activities that students can do after reading a book. They can also be used after reading a short story, newspaper article or watching a movie. It's great to have a list of interesting and engaging activities that a teacher can employ to activate students in English.

Page 2

Page 3

Collaborative Search Engine


Smash Cards is an innovative new online program using flash cards through augmented reality. How this works is by having a person hold up a "special" flash card to a web camera and the computer reads the card and projects an image on it (on the computer screen not the actual card). Phonics, English, and other flashcards are dramatized with video on them!

SUPER Software for Language Learning!

Best Language Learning Software: Best Language Learning Software reviews the top language learning software on the market, helpful posts on how to improve your language learning, and other resources to help you learn a new language.


Speech Practice Online using free Text to Speech Program (Changeable Voices!)

Real - Learn 7 Basic Rule for Building Good Conversation Skills

SPATS: Speech Perception Assessment and Training System for ESL students (SPATS-ESL).

Several published reports on the SPATS system can be found here. Research conducted with ESL classes at Indiana University has shown that recognition performance on these materials approaches that of native speakers after approximately 15-35 hours of training.

"Searching With Success"

"Searching With Success" is an engaging tutorial on searching the web. It's from Acadia University, and is accessible to high Intermediate English Language Learners. Acadia also has a tutorial called Credible Sources Count. It's probably only accessible to advanced ELL's. See more at The Best Resources For Learning Research & Citation Skills.

Slovenia: What Makes It Unique?

Social Media Toolkit

Sophie is a new piece of Open Source software that helps to design interactive books.

Language and Semantic Online Course

Lessons include: Introduction, Lesson 1: Linguistics and Language,

Lesson 2: Phonetics and Phonology, Lesson 3: Morphology, Lesson 4: Syntax, Lesson 5: Semantics, Semantic Proprieties, the Lexicon, Semantic Relations between Words, Aspects of Meaning: Connotations and Denotations, Other Conceptual Relation: Metaphor , Other Figures of Speech, Advice, Bibliography, Lesson 6: Pragmatics, Lesson 7: Textual Linguistics, Lesson 8: Poetry. Read more at Suite101: Linguistics & Semantics - free Suite101 course

Spelling Online Writing Exercises

Proofreading: Spelling and Writing is a really nice series of many, many exercises where students have to correct paragraphs. Its divided by levels of difficulty.

365 ESL Short Stories: Extensive Reading with full Dictionary and Listening Support!

Listening and Reading Free Site for Intermediate ESL Learners

For Beginners: Easy Conversations, Super Easy Reading, Easy Reading; Sentence Structure Writing Practice with 2,000+ ESL/EFL Conversations on Different Topics.

Barcelona spanish courses

Study Spanish language courses in Spain; learn to speak Spanish in Spanish universities or a private Spanish language school.


SIU.Edu Second Life in foreign language and ESL instruction


The Best Sites For Learning Spanish Online

All of these are good places online where people can learn and practice Spanish for free. Many of these sites also offer lessons in other languages, including English. These sites can provide good initial exposure and be helpful for later development and practice. These are Ferlazzo's collection of Best Sites For Learning Spanish Online (not in order of preference): BBC Languages Mi Vida Loca; The BBC also has several other sites for learning Spanish; Online Spanish Help; Visual Link Spanish; Live Mocha; Busuu; Vocabulix; Lingus TV; Panfu (a virtual world for kids where they can learn Spanish); Study Spanish; and Hello World Spanish.


America's Space Odyssey is an interactive timeline from The Wall Street Journal. See more at: The Best Sites For Learning About Planets & Space.


Story Jumper

Story Jumper is a new site that lets kids create their own story books. Online versions are free, and you can pay for hard copies. Registration is quick and easy. You can create your books from "scratch" or use one of several templates they have. They offer lots of easy "props" to integrate into the stories, and you can upload your own photos and type your own text. Once done, you can email the link to yourself and post it on a student/teacher blog or website. Find more at The Best Places Where Students Can Write Online.

S is for Storytelling

Great Picture Book Maker!

With Picture Book Maker, you can easily create a picture book (including text). It can be saved online or printed out. It's super-easy to use, plus no registration is required. The url of your creation can be posted on a student/teacher blog or website.


Swedish learning site.

Features include your own word lists, mouseover explanations, a loop flashcard feature, a text analyzer and a new text (dialog, jokes, news) every week.


Slideshare, the huge host for a zillion slideshows, just announced the winners of The World's Best Presentations of 2009.

"Build Your Own Space Mission"

"Build Your Own Space Mission" is a fun little website from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Students can design their own simple space mission and perform virtual science experiments on different planets. Once each mission is completed, you can email a certificate to a friend for posting on a student/teacher website.

SPIDER SCRIBE: Brainstorming or Mind-Mapping Program

Spider Scribe is a new (beta) site for online mind mapping and brainstorming. Like other similar sites users can link many items such as: files, calendars, notes, etc. These maps can then be shared w/ others or made private. For Dave's top 10 sites on brain storming click here.

Convert any text to speech with iSpeech

iSpeech converts any text on the Web into clear natural sounding audio free. Take your reading on the go with iSpeech text to speech. Make website or application talk with iSpeech TTS SaaSs.

Student Work

Examples and Project Links from Larry Ferlazzos Classes

Spanish-proficiency exercises on video


Has great word, spelling and vocabulary games. You can also make your own easily for any set of words.


Speakaboos provides excellent quality talking stories on video with closed-captioning often read by celebrities. They are also going to add the ability to record stories and other online activities. You can watch the stories without registering, though you will have to sign-up (for free) to record stories.

Storyline Online

This site has been around for quite awhile, and has had celebrities also reading stories. Storyline now offers closed-captioning with all its stories.


Into the Book Reading Strategies

Interactively demonstrates 9 most important Strategies for Learning and Reading

Sight Words, Dolch Sight Words

Word Lists and Free Presentations in PowerPoint format.


Speaking Activities and English Conversation Questions

12,880 conversation questions from Sean Banville's most creative brain!

There are currently 644 discussion topics to choose from:

* Use for ESL lessons, speaking practice, debate clubs, lesson add-ons, and more.

* Students can form discussion groups for independent speaking practice.

* The speaking activities are on everyday themes and more controversial issues.

* Each conversation lesson has ready-to-print Word and PDF downloads.

* There are 12,880 conversation questions here - That's a lot of discussion!

* 1,000 more lesson activities (Sean Banville's book)

Social Studies School Service

Great online materials, DVDs, E-books, Posters and PowerPoints on:

U.S. History, World History, Geography, Economics, Psychology, Holocaust, California and Govt. & Law.


Slideshare is an easy-to-use site that allows you to upload your presentations, share them with others, and also create a text-based "transcript" of the text on all of the slides. In addition, there are thousands of presentations to search for, preview, download, and edit for use with your classes.

CALL-IS Software Summary

(Deborah Healey's from Oregon State)

Comprehensive - Discussion - Grammar - Listening - Pronunciation - Reading - Reference - Speaking - Test Prep - Vocabulary - Writing - Authoring - Teacher Utilities


Social Networks, the Next Educational Tool?

At last years Educause conference, in Seattle, educators pondered what to do about students technology habits. George Siemens notes that The key concept I'm seeing in the use of technology in the service of education is that of enlargement. New technologies are not necessarily replacing existing approaches; instead, they are enlarging the range of options for learners. We're not doing away with email. Or even learning management systems. We're adding blogs, wikis, social networking, virtual worlds, and numerous other technologies to current practices. And that's exactly how it should be. It's difficult to predict which technologies with survive and which will fade. A spirit of perpetual experimentation is needed. Try many approaches. Stick with the ones that demonstrate some promise.

Web 2.0 Storytelling

Emergence of a New Genre (and a supporting wiki).

What's Web 2.0 Storytelling? It's "the telling of stories using Web 2.0 tools, technologies, and strategies".

Alan Levine and Bryan Alexander have published an important article about it:

When new faculty or training professionals encounter read/write tools (blogs, wikis, video, podcasts, etc) the initial excitement usually turns to "oh, but how will I use this beyond posting blogs for students?" The focus of this article is on using Storytelling (Narrative) to assist faculty and students to better make use of technology that offers personal control (as noted by G. Siemens)


The Art of Storytelling

The Art of Storytelling is a site from the Delaware Art Museum that allows you pick a painting, write a short story about it, record it with your computer microphone, and email the url address for posting on a student website or blog. It's extraordinarily simple and accessible to any level of English Language Learner. No registration is required. (From "The Art Of Storytelling").

CogDogRoo Digital Storytelling Tools (50+!)

Alan Levine at CogDogBlog has developed a nice page of online storytelling resources. He tells the same story about his dog using many of the tools. Looking at the many versions really gives you an excellent idea of the differences between the applications.

Academic Reading and Writing Course with Larry Ferlazzo using Edublogs

Digital Storytelling Blog Carnival

Mathew Needleman has two excellent resources on video storytelling - an online presentation he's created and several other tutorials. Kevin Hodgson has a good post titled When Stories Go Digital. He also recommends Profiles In Practice, a site developed by the National Writing Project and Pearson on digital storytelling. Kevin also suggests a site showing films by teacher George Mayo's students.

Kids Vid

Kids Vid is a source of information on telling stories with video in the classroom. These previous "The Best..." lists are also particularly helpful with digital storytelling:

The Best Ways For Students To Create Online Animations

The Best Ways To Make Comic Strips Online

The Best New Sites Students Should Use With Supervision

The Best Ways For Students To Create Online Videos (Using Someone Else's Content)

The Best Ways To Create Online Slideshows


the FREE Superbook games, the personal character creator, the interactive features and exciting contests, Superbook radio: Christian music for kids

Write your own interactive stories here. See Michael Krauss Action Mazes

Halfbakedsoftware - 6 free applications for the web

Sample Student Work (Larry Ferlazzo's Classes)

Sister Classes in ESL/EFL Online Cultural Exchanges

English Language Development students use Voice Thread to communicate their backgrounds.

Summer Reading: Conference Handouts and Materials

SOS is Kathy Schrock's last one of the school year. Each year for the last SOS of the school year, she links to a few of the large tech conference handouts pages to supply us with lots of good material to peruse during the summer.

Video: Garr Reynolds On Storytelling

Story, Imagery, & the Art of 21st Century Presentation is a very good video of Garr Reynolds on presentation skills. I'm adding it to The Best Digital (& Non-Digital) Storytelling Resources.

Digital Storytelling

Educational Uses for Digital Storytelling site includes an overview, tips, tricks and much more for the use of digital storytelling in the classroom.

Digitales story-telling

A site with all types of digital storytelling resources including how-to's, tips and tricks, tools, and scoring guides.

Digital Storytelling Resources and Links

Great Picture Book Maker!

With Picture Book Maker, you can easily create apicture book (including text). It can be saved online or printed out. It's super-easy to use, plus no registration is required. The url of your creation can be posted on a student/teacher blog or website.

Snapgrades: Student Online Grader

Extremely useful free version with fewer features but option to upgrade anytime to full version.

Strategy Training

Suggestions for Using ESL Software

Online Tutorials from Union County College to help students think about their language learning goals while doing any language learning activity, especially when using software or online. These tutorials are designed to help ESL students and faculty use ESL software, as well as web-based ESL programs, in ways that will be most beneficial for language learning. Included here are suggestions and strategies for improving their listening, grammar, and vocabulary skills.

Software List for Linguists and Language Learners


Seesmic is an asynchronous video messaging system founded by Loic Le Meur, that you can use pretty much like Twitter. Anyone who is registered, can post a video message about anything, and people can then start adding video replies to it. You can choose whether to follow all public videos, or subscribe to the ones you are interested in. The cool collaborative feature is that you can use Seesmic to power your own blog site comments, allowing people to comment back with their own video clips. Free to use.

Kolabora Screen Sharing Tools

Reviews seven different screen-sharing technologies selected as being the most representative options for showing your computer screen remotely on the Internet. Companies/products showcased are: Glance, GoToMeeting, Linktivity WebDemo, eBLVD, Netviewer, Seemyscreen.


Plain language

Plain Language is language that matches the reading level of your audience. Plain language increases comprehension, retention, reading speed, and persistence. All of this reduces costs and improves your bottom line. If you are not using plain language, you are wasting money. It is the best investment you can make.

Smart Language

Readers, Readability, and the Grading of Text with Book Surge: Bill DuBay has just published a work very central to the concerns of ER.

The Principles of Readability

Bill DuBayS The Principles of Readability (2004) Cosa Mesa/CA here in full online.


Over 5000 full texts of famous speeches, with audio

Over 10,000 teaching resources

Speaking in Slang: An excellent collection of British slang

Speech and Pronunciation Tools

Second Language English Rated by Machine

Machine-Aided Spoken Language Evaluation (MASLE) Online

Animated Games

Planet-Scicast is a great place to explore science.

Sky-Scraper Stunts and Crazy Climbers Video


Systematic vocabulary learning strategy

(Tom Cobbs Excellent Approach)

Lextutor lists

Use these linked vocabulary level lists to start!

All these lists are connected by simple mouse-clicks to both a speech engine and a large corpus of natural English. So each word can be heard and met in a variety of contexts. Use these lists systematically and your English 1k, 2k, AWL/UWL vocabulary learning will be well under way. You will more readily recognize these words each time you meet them again and learn even more.

Lextutor levels

Test how well you know the 2000, 3,000, 5,000, 10,000 and UWL lists. Then fill in any gaps you find to build the strong vocabulary you need to be a good English reader.


Survey and Test-Maker; Web-Polls, Mini-Surveys, etc.

Second Life Online Conference

Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarks and Sharing Programs

Tafiti is probably the most versatile Search Engine yet designed. This great new search service - Tafiti (built with Silverlight) is built by Microsoft. Use it to quickly search not only the Web but also Halo Blogs, News, Photo Images, RSS Feeds. Then filter, save or share them with anyone, anywhere! Truly amazing! It loads quickly and adds great additional functionality/ interactivity to sites. After a few minutes with Tafiti - saving and tagging searches - all sorts of ideas/options/uses come to mind. Clicking on the tree view gives a visual representation of key areas...and the user can drag the slide bar to "seedling" or "full tree" size.


Simple Search Engines: ones that guide people to sheltered sites are a good way to encourage children or students with limited proficiency in English to use Internet without getting lost or frustrated. As Helgesen writes: By giving our students these URLs, we can make them more independent. They can start to seek out English language sites that they can read and understand on their own. Although the search engines are actually designed for native-speaking children, the sites they find are often suitable for adult and young adult language students. This is especially true for nonfiction topics, since they are often presented in ways that are not particularly childlike. Not only is the information found by these search engines usually presented at a vocabulary level learners can handle, the ideas are often presented more simply and slowly than on sites designed for adult native speakers. (Helgesen in Bamford and Days Extensive Reading Activities for Teaching Language, Cambridge University Press, 2004, pages 40-41).


The kids section of AskJeeves search engine. Although it does not show lists of previously identified Websites, AJKids has three major advantages over other engines. First, the learners can ask ordinary questions rather than just typing in target words. Second, the search engine will forgive spelling or typing mistakes. As long as you type something reasonably close, it will usually understand what you mean. Finally, it gives you a maximum of ten possibilities (along with up to ten from other sites). So you or your students wont end up with an overwhelming list of hundreds of hits (suggested Websites).

Try Quintura for Kids!

Quintura proudly presents the first VISUAL search engine for the youngest web users.

At KidsClick! Websites selected by librarians are identified by reading level. At the end of each Website description, a reading level range is given. Your students will soon find which levels they can read easily.


The section of for kids. Information about cultures and countries is very interesting, useful, and understandable. Topics are broad-ranging. Try the category Around the World to can find things you are learning about in other classes.

Go to the category Cool Spots. Then search for your key words or explore some of the sites theyve already identified. This search engine lets you choose between Find all of my words and Find ANY of my words as you search. This helps students start thinking about how to search effectively.


(Also see H. > Homestays)

ESL Directory

A great search site for ESL and English as a Second Language Programs around the world, constructed to make navigation easy and stress free - students can contact schools directly through the schools profile page. You can search the site in English the site in five new languages, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, and many more.... Search their worldwide directory database or search by school locations, including these:

Australia; Belgium; Brazil; Canada; Chile; China; Czech; Republic; France; Germany; Indonesia; Ireland; Malta; Mexico; New Zealand; Poland; Portugal; Singapore; South Africa; Spain; Switzerland; Thailand; Trinidad and Tobago; UK; USA


The ATLAS project of University College London addresses the decline in the number of students studying languages at university. It has investigated school students' attitudes towards language learning and engaged them in "tasting" languages not previously considered, or available, for study. The aim is to arouse an interest in studying these and other languages.

Academic English Study Skills

from Doshisha University, JAPAN. Kitaos' English Library and Study Skills Practice Notes.

Foreign Language Resource Center

Worlds largest source for computerized translation products from many companies. Computerized dictionaries, with ability to point at a word on the screen and obtain possible translations in a balloon next to it.

English Language Schools

Find quality English language schools at The English Language web directory.

EF English First Indonesia

Network of ESL/EFL schools with more than 65 learning centres across Indonesia. Offers a complete range of English courses for all age groups from kids, teens to adults at all levels.


Nations University

offers free university level religious education via distance learning in 192 countries! Arabic, Creole, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, and Thai.

Areas covered are Bible backgrounds, biblical exegesis, church history, comparative religion, ministry and missions, spirituality, New Testament, Old Testament, and theology.

Christian Schools International

Association of Christian Schools Internationals up-to-date information regarding ACSI and its programs and services to Christian schools and educators worldwide. Most current site available in 8 languages.


Kyoto International University and Academy


International school. Email them for a free Catalog or other information.

Kyoto International University and Academy


The International Registry of Schools

The International Registry of Schools is a searchable database containing schools in the International Registry.

International Students, Incorporated

Helps any foreign student get adjusted to studying in America and make friends there.

Christian School Resource Links

Most complete Homeschooling and Christian School Resource Links page.

Learning by Grace

Three choices from the most popular homeschool academies in the United States. Teacher-Led The Grace Academy, The Teacher-Led, Accredited and Registered. The MorningStar Academy private Christian school or Parent-Led. The Jubilee Academy. All include all curriculum materials, including traditional texts, e-books, workbooks, CDs, CD-ROMs and more, Special private student homeroom, grade books, teacher comments and suggestions, transcripts, grading system, course calendar, accountability, student social center, private parent entrance, school mail, complete student services access and so very much more. All from a Bible-based world view.


School- or Homeschool-based Christian education using either DVDs, Videos or texts.


Spanish-English Dictionary(bilingual) Great since you can post questions.

Spanish monolingual dictionary

Student Resources: Financial Aid from St. Ambrose University that gives a fairly complete listing of free web resources for seeking scholarships

SnagFilms: SnagFilms Home. Watch free documentaries. Share documentary films. National Geographic and NOVA Films may be viewed online is a website dedicated to student video and media sharing for entertainment and classroom use. Students and Teachers can share video and media in a fun and safe.

Learn Spanish

CLIC IH is a Spanish language school in the historic centre of Seville.

Lingua Spectrum

An online language school that brings the English or Spanish language classroom to busy people who don't have the time to attend regular classroom lessons. Provides one-to-one teaching by video link, by telephone or by email.

Learn Spanish in Cusco - Peru

Learn the Spanish language in a fast and fun way with us in Cusco, Peru.

Spanish in Peru: Learn Spanish in Cusco

Learn Spanish language in three different enigmatic places of the Inca Empire in the archeological capital Cusco, Urubamba - Sacred Valley of Incas - and Rainforest of Manu.

VoyCabulary Spanish

Spanish / Espaol Web diccionarios y diccionarios.

Free online web Dictionary and Thesaurus linking reference tool. Transforms any webpage into easy convenient links to definition and word lookups both English and Spanish.

Learn Medical Spanish in Spain

Learn Medical Spanish in Seville, Spain, with Spanish courses specifically designed for medical professionals and personnel. - Learn Spanish Spain

Linc School of Spanish Seville is a professional Spanish language school in the historic center of Seville, Spain. We offer eight accredited Spanish language courses in Spain, along with cultural activities, and accommodation assistance.

Online English and Spanish courses

Level Test: Take a level test free of charge and with no obligation to do a course.

Online Practice: Sign up for monthly interactive exercises and Net Languages news.

Phrasebook: Download free digital phrasebook for iPod users.


Anacleta's World Language & Culture Resources

"Anacleta's Spanish and World Language and Culture Links and Resources" is a comprehensive source of materials and activities for creatively teaching and learning about the Spanish language and its many cultures, as well as other world languages and cultures. The design and focus of the site are especially suited for children under ten and their parents and FLES and bilingual teachers.


Merit Software Bundles


Best Websites for Student Self-Access (from Larry Ferlazzos Best List)


The Best Tools For Making Screencasts

Screencasts are audio-narrated "tours" of what you see on your computer screen (they don't have to narrated, but it works much better if they are). Screencasts that I have seen are primarily used to show how to use various computer applications. They are wonderful teaching tools, and can also be used as good speaking opportunities for English Language Learners. Here are Ferlazzo's picks for The Best Tools For Making Screencasts:

Screentoaster. It couldn't be more simple to use, and they've recently added both the ability to record audio and add subtitles. All you do after you log-in is click on a button, open up the window on your screen that you want to record, and it starts recording your screen. After that's been recorded, you can provide audio or subtitles. And it's free.

DemoGirl also has a screencast on how to use that application, but it might not include its newest features.

Screencast-O-Matic is also nice, but a bit more complicated than Screentoaster.

Two newer apps that look good are Screenr and Screenjelly. The great site Teacher Training videos has a screencast on how to use Screenjelly.

Jing is a very popular free tool available by download. Teacher Training Videos also has a screencast explaining how to use Jing. See other 350 "The Best" lists, and also The Best Sites To Practice Speaking English.

Saudi Arabia, E-Learning in Universities there

The Best Tools For Making Screencasts

Screencasts are audio-narrated "tours" of what you see on your computer screen (they dont have to narrated, but it works much better if they are). Screencasts that I have seen are primarily used to show how to use various computer applications. They are wonderful teaching tools, and can also be used as good speaking opportunities for English Language Learners. Here are Ferlazzo's picks for The Best Tools For Making Screencasts: Screentoaster. It couldn't be more simple to use, and they've recently added both the ability to record audio and add subtitles. All you do after you log-in is click on a button, open up the window on your screen that you want to record, and it starts recording your screen. After that's been recorded, you can provide audio or subtitles. And it's free.

DemoGirl also has a screencast on how to use that application, but it might not include its newest features.

Screencast-O-Matic is also nice, but a bit more complicated than Screentoaster.

Two newer apps that look good are Screenr and Screenjelly. The great site Teacher Training videos has a screencast on how to use Screenjelly.

Jing is a very popular free tool available by download. Teacher Training Videos also has a screencast explaining how to use Jing. See other 350 "The Best" lists, and also The Best Sites To Practice Speaking English.

Saudi Arabia, E-Learning in Universities there

Space Exploration and Travel

Planet Quest

Planet Quest is a pretty amazing multimedia timeline of space exploration that begins at 500 B.C. In addition, it provides audio support for the text. See also The Best Sites For Learning About Planets & Space.

Camtasia / Snag It from TechSmith

It can capture all the screen action in video clips and add audio.


It can capture all the screen action in English or Chinese.



Top 10 Sites/Applications for Creating Screencasts

Creating screencasts has been one of my favorite things to do when working w/ technology. I have used this as a tool for teachers or students to help them w/ troubleshooting or even professional development. Wikipedia states, "Educators are now using screencasts as another means of integrating technology into the curriculum. Students can record video and audio as they demonstrate the proper procedure to solve a problem on an interactive whiteboard." - written by dkapuler

1. Screen Flow

Quite simply the best, most robust application for creating screencasts at an affordable price.

2. SnapZpro

While not as many features of Screen Flow, more affordable and easy to use.

3. Jing

One of the more popular free applications for recording screencasts (unpaid version saves as a swf file).

4. Screenjelly

Probably the most user-friendly site to use for recording video and uploading to a number of sites.

5. Camtasia

Great application for Windows that is similar to Screen Flow.

6. Screenr

Excellent free site for recording screens w/ an iMovie type interface.

7. ScreenCastle

One of the best and easiest ways to record a screen and share/embed w/ others.

8. Sequence

Very affordable Mac application for creating screencasts w/ the ability to draw or comment.

9. Screenium

A nice Mac application at a nice price w/ lots of features.

10. Screen Flick

A Mac application w/ lots of export features.


Making easy screencasts can be an excellent learning opportunity for English Language Learners.


Has the ability to record audio and add subtitles. All you do after you log-in is click on a button, open up the window on your screen that you want to record, and it starts recording your screen. After thats been recorded, you can provide audio or subtitles.

SITE AVATARS Avatar (Free Demo)

The Best Search Engines For ESL/EFL Learners -- 2008


Search Engines Best for ESL/EFL Learners

Best Reference Websites for English Language Learners (2008)


Visual Thesaurus Spelling Bee

Automatically adapts to your spelling ability. It remembers which words you got right and wrong and quizzes you periodically on words at your spelling level that you spelled incorrectly in the past. A human voice, and not a computerized one, says the words. Plus, it shows you a diagram of similar words. It doesnt give you a sentence example using the word.

Simple Spelling Games Online


BBC World Service

This offers some of the latest articles from the World Service, all with written text and the facility to hear them read aloud. There is help with vocabulary, quizzes, a special section for Business English and also a large archive of previous material.

BBC Skillswise

This is another part of the BBC site (not part of the World Service) which provides a lot of their English listening material. Again, topics are contemporary and often have a business flavour. There are quizzes accompanying every article and a large resource bank of previous articles and quizzes.

Listen English for Children

Speech to Text for any message you want to paste in. Online English listening for Chinese or Asian children, as Menu is in Chinese.

Debate Rules


I suggest trying some of the VOA (Voice of America Radio & Web-Broadcast) or BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) sites. Students can listen and read at the same time and all the articles are contemporary. Not all are business-related, but most are. You need a Real Player plug-in to listen to the news articles, but they can be downloaded directly from the site. Downloading the actual audio is very quick, but will depend on your connection speed.

VOA News


Rong-Chang Li

English as a Second Language

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

(University of Utah)

Focus English

(UC Riverside)

The ESL Wonderland

(University of Florida)


(University of Illinois)

The Comenius Group

English idioms

uses Microsoft's audio streaming format

The English Listening Lounge

free guest areas


Spotlight Radio

Radio Programs in simplified, specialized English. Learners can read and listen at the same time. These programs use a simplified form of English to make listening to the radio easier for you.

Connect with English from

A video instructional series in English as a second language for college and high school classrooms and adult learners; 50 fifteen-minute video programs and coordinated books.


More of the worlds best English language learning links chosen by ESL All

Adapted with permission from ESL All November 2005 Issue - Vol. 1, no. 3

Have you ever had the chance to converse with a robot? It is one of the most fun ways to improve your written English. Some online bots can even help you sharpen your listening skills since you can "hear" their answers to your comments or questions. Since one cant always find a real human being to practice with, try befriending and chatting with these friendly artificial intelligence bots online. Each of them has a distinct personality that, thanks to their creators, evolves over time as they become more sophisticated. Bots do not always understand what you write and they do not always answer in a sensible manner. However, you will be surprised at how "artificially" intelligent and funny some of them can be! ESL All selected these ten favourite English-speaking online bots for you to meet and converse with:

A.L.I.C.E. (Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity): One of the the most popular robots online. She can tell lies, spread gossip and can even ask you to teach her some foreign phrases. She is not always on course but is sure to be lots of fun for students of intermediate and advanced levels.

ELBOT: A very nice and funny bot that likes to joke around. It is based on the German-language bot called Charlie. Push Elbot's red button and start a conversation. The English version has been online since the Spring of 2001.

ELLA: The Ella bot is the winner of the 2002 Loebner Prize Contest for "Most Human Computer". You will find her charming, humorous and witty. Her interface uses multiple images and text display boxes. Ella enjoys Atlantic City style Blackjack and spinning her slot machine. She tells I Ching fortunes and performs many other useful functions. Her lexical database contains more than 120, 000 entries (thousands of jokes, trivia, anecdotes, poems, etc.).

John Lennon Artificial Intelligence Project

John Lennon (JLAIP): More than just another chat bot, here is an attempt at recreating the personality of the late Beatle, John Lennon, by programming an Artificial Intelligence (AI) engine with Lennon's own words and thoughts and conversations people had with him. 4 U

Cybelle: Cybelle is half-robot, half-woman, and 100% virtual. She is curious, has a good sense of humour and is quite articulate on a number of subjects. Cybelle guides visitors through the AgentLand website that specializes in search agents, personal assistants, shopbots, and other web agents and bots.

CARA (Conversation Analysis Research Avatar): The CARA bot has many incarnations: CARA 100, 300 or 500. These three different bots have varying degrees or artificial intelligence. The bots stream audio to answer what you type. So it is important that you turn on your speakers and listen to and watch them carefully. Requires the Shockwave Director plugin and an active internet connection.

Agent Ruby's Edream Portal

RUBY: Converse with a robot who says it will teach you to dream. You can ask Ruby about all kinds of topics such as life, love and movies. Try to keep your questions short and enjoy Ruby's wisdom.

Eliza - The Computerized Psychiatrist

ELIZA: Converse with Eliza, the computerised psychiatrist. You can talk to her about your personal problems. No kidding! You can also download for free more recent versions of that online bot at:

Eliza free downloads


The Natural Language Question Answering System is part of the MIT InfoLab Group's intelligent interactive software systems. The software system is designed to answer questions that are posed to it in natural language. It helps people access information and solve problems on human terms.

Mr. Mind: You have to prove to MRMIND that you are not a machine. MRMIND is a computer program, not a human! He requires patience as he tries to respond to you. He doesn't think or understand or feel.... but he isn't so sure that you do either. The creators of the program will be reading the logs, so mind what you say and have fun!

Sanako Interactive Language Learning Environment (Managed Learning from Finish Corporation)


NTNU Speech Web Site

Online English pronunciation practice

Natural Readers

Best text-to-speech site to use for listening to any scanned reading text. Works well when combined with Epson's GT-7200U scanner OCR software.

Dragon Naturally Speaking

Speech-to-text site

Speaks for itself

Text to Speech Samples to Test Online.

Speaks for itself (2)

Sample Sites that have Text to Speech on them.

Text-to-Speech Products

Both free and commercial listed here for download.


Short Stories

Authors Bibliography included.

Classic Short Stories

Collection for pleasure reading.

Short Stories for English Listening and Reading Practice

One hundred free short English stories for ESL learners with listening support, grammar, comprehension, and dictation exercises.

Childrens Short Stories on East of the Web


The Best Places To Find Lyrics On The Web

Sample Song Class lesson

Learn English through songs.

Music Artists

Use to find out about various artists songs.

More on Beatles

Hymns in 85 Languages

English Hymns can be set to play automatically, giving composer information, etc.


Childrens Global Network

offers original song lyrics for many areas of life.

A resource for songs about: peace, justice, compassion, conflict, resolution, nonviolence, anti-bias, fear, grief, bullying, patriotic songs, the global family.

Universal Childrens Audio Kids Music Links

Values and Virtues Education

Llerrahs Kids Song Collection Online

Just click to hear cute childrens songs for learning English.

Kids Songs WebRing


Read song lyrics and try to understand the messages contained in your favorite songs. We also encourage you to sing along, which is an excellent way to better your English pronunciation.

Song lyrics search engine: listed by artist or group. Contains rock and pop discographies with lyrics. Organized by artist or group.

Search engine for song lyrics. All kinds of music.

A site devoted to song lyrics.

Lyrics search engine: Over 100,000 popular songs. Search out all of your favorite popular songs and their lyrics. Search over 100,000 songs!

Large collection of lyrics of all genres and ages. Its a place where all searches end! They have a large, every day growing universe of lyrics where stars of all genres and ages shine.


Top 10 Lyrics Search Engines

From Wendy Boswell source

Searching for lyrics to a song can be a daunting task, but not with these Top Ten Lyric Search Engines. Find a song lyric, do a song search by lyric, and more. Find the song lyrics youre searching for on the Web quickly and easily!

Get Lyrical - a Lyrics Search Engine

Get Lyrical is an excellent lyrics search engine. You can search by song lyric, artist, song, or album. And if you still cant find the song youre looking for in their excellent (and sizable) lyrics database, you can check out the Get Lyrical Message Boards and ask the community there to help you figure out a song lyric. Fast and easy lyric search, good, relevant results - I highly recommend Get Lyrical for your lyric search needs.

Lyrics Robot - Lyrics Search Engine

The thing I like most about Lyrics Robot is their absolutely huge artist directory. Just click on any of the alphabet letters on the Lyrics Robot home page and youll retrieve a wide range of artists. Lyrics Robot claims to have 3 Million Entries - 500,000 Songs - 40,000 Artists, which is obviously a lot. The lyric search process seems a bit clunky, but I was still able to find some good answers. Sort your lyric search results by site to get a more organized lyric search results page. - Song Lyrics Search Engine

Search over 100,000 songs with I was able to find good results with my search for what the world needs now, including other songs and albums of Burt Bacharach that I didnt even know existed. All lyric search results for open in a new window;I didnt much like this but its a small issue. Good index of lyrics and easily implemented lyric search.

MetroLyrics - A Lyrics Search Engine and More

MetroLyrics features over 262,000 music lyrics (thats quite a few), but even better than MetroLyrics lyric search are the various music categories that they have available, such as list of artists by music genre, Top 100 Most Popular lyrics, and Christmas music, which at the time of this writing spanned over 20 jam-packed pages.

My Lyrics Finder - MLFinder - Lyrics Search Engine

Simple and uncluttered, MLFinder delivers fast and relevant results with a few little extras: look at your lyric search results and youll see when that song was added, an opportunity to buy the song lyric (sheet music), buy posters of the artist, or send that lyric to a friend. MLFinder has 10,000+ artists - 1,000,000+ song lyrics & growing. Dont forget to check out the Billboard Hot 100; click on any of the song URLs and youll be taken to that songs lyrics.

Rock Wisdom - Song Quotes Search

Rock Wisdom features an immense database of song quotes-the main purpose of this collection of quotes from Rock and Roll music is to celebrate and provide a documented reference to an under appreciated form of literature. You can search by subject, search by artist,browser through popular artists, get a random rock quote, or look up the full lyrics (this links to outside sites). Over 70 categories of Rock Wisdom goodness; this site is an online archive of sorts for rock and roll history.

Lyrical Discord - Lyrics Database

Search lyrics by artist, song, or keyphrase with Lyrical Discord. The most popular songs are featured right on the front page. heres an example of what I liked most about Lyrical Discord-I did a search for hard days night and not only did it bring up the classic Beatles song, but also other song lyrics in that album, all song lyrics by that artist and other albums by that artist. A nice touch for anyone whos not looking for song lyrics alone.

A to Z Lyrics Universe

A to Z Lyrics Universe features over 50,000 searchable song lyrics. You can browse by artist or band name in their alphabetical directory, or you can just type in a lyric snippet. Song lyrics results will open up in a new window. A to Z Lyrics Universe features mostly newer songs from the year 2000 and up; lots of hip-hop, Top 40 kind of stuff here. - Lyrics Search Engine

In addition to a strong lyric search experience (over 74,000 songs indexed at the time of this writing), also offers some unique user features such as artist birthdays displayed on the front page, DailyKeys, links to the most popular song requests by day, and a list on the far left side of the Top 20 Albums (with links to these albums lyrics) on

Lyrics - Lyrics Search, Album Covers

Lyrics Spot not only has a sizable database of lyrics-over 160,000 at the time of this writing-but they offer CD cover images of whatever artist youre looking for as well. Search by artist, album or song, browse the alphabetical directory, check out Lyrics Spots top songs, or check out the Billboard Top 12 albums, with links to song lyrics.


(Read critically. Everything you read may not be scientifically correct or true!)

A scientific magazine covering these kinds of issues: mind and brain, medicine, space, technology, ancient life, environment.

Scientific American

Articles in these fields: astronomy, technology and business, nanothechnology, health, environment, biotechnology.


Mikogo Forum - Portable Version for Mikogo

Mikogo is a free online collaboration tool. Get from Softpedia here.

The Online Collaboration Authority.


Jing ScreenCapture Story and Download is an easy and affordable media hosting solution for business and academic professionals who want to share multimedia content on the Web.



The National Basketball Association

The Sydney 2000 Olympics Website

The International Olympics Committee

The Sports Network

World Wide Web of Sports

Olympic Games

Olympic games, web games, olympic cities and sports.


Language Learning Software

Great CALL4ALL recommended language learning programs at a reasonable price. All programs are hybrid CDs, for use on either Mac or Windows computers. All of these Language Learning Software Programs have been tested and approved by CALL4ALL.US for their effectiveness in helping with language learning.

Planet CD ROM is about the cheapest source in the world for Educational Software, Movie DVDs, and Music CDs.

The Virtual CALL Library

at Sussex Language Institute


TESOL CALL Interest Sections Software List

Christian Book Distributors

Cheapest prices online or off for inspiring faith-building books, music, and software.

Software Coupons and Discounts


Camtasia / Snag It from TechSmith

It can capture all the screen action in video clips and add audio.


It can capture all the screen action in English or Chinese.


2Lingual Could Be A Very Useful Search Engine

2Lingual is a bilingual search engine. You type in your search term and then choose two languages. Search results will show-up side-by-side in both languages. It could come in very handy for English Language Learners in content classes, as well as for their teachers who might be looking for materials in a second language that they could offer to their students for extra support. I wish they had separate "tabs" for videos. They provide bilingual searches for Google and for Bing, plus a voice search capability. See more at: The Best Search Engines For ESL/EFL Learners and to The Best Multilingual & Bilingual Sites For Math, Social Studies, & Science.


Search in 23 Languages


Excellent language, internet research and search tools integrated on one page.

Language Tools

Dictionaries, word lookups, computer terms, (European languages) text translator, web page translator, and more language tools, such as specialized dictionaries and thesauri, crossword and scrabble solvers, more translators, etc.


Webopedia is an online computer dictionary for computer and internet terms and definitions. As such, its the only online dictionary and search engine you need for computer and internet technology definitions.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica

Wins largest unique audience in its category according to Nielsen Net Ratings.

HighBeam Library Research

has a free trial version and tour here.

INET Library

Great for research. Has a free trial version.

List of many Search Engines Worldwide

Search Engines to Try in English Recommended by Internet English Text

Mugurdy Search Engine

The Mugurdy Search Engine is a simple visual search engine that is very accessible to English Language Learners.

Once you type in a query, search results are show with good size images of the actual websites.

Saudi Arabia, E-Learning in Universities there OCLC First Search World Cat Services

WorldCat Collection Analysis and Resource Sharing

Language Learning & Technology

Search Engines Encyclopedia

Facts about Education; Absolute Facts and Information. Daily facts and trivia posted regularly.

Education Seshnet

A hand-edited web directory offering free URL submission.

SearchCrystal (via Smart Mobs)

The searchCrystal Widget visualizes the overlap between the result sets of five major search engines. The Full Version of searchCrystal also supports image and text analysis techniques that can be used to detect duplicates and topical relationships. SearchCrystal lets you search and compare multiple engines in one place. It serves as a HUGE Search Visualization Tool that enables you to compare, remix and share results from the best web, image, video, blog, tagging, news engines, Flickr images or RSS feeds. You can embed searchCrystal as a Widget on your site or blog to share personalized crystals, or use it to find out what is popular on Wikipedia or use the Search Analytics Toolbox in your browser as a powerful competitive intelligence tool. A searchCrystal application is also available in Facebook.


Creative Commons Search

Search for anything with a Creative Commons license across sites like Flickr, Google, YouTube, SoundCloud, etc.


A filtered, kid-friendly search engine that sits on top of Google. They maintain their own database of inappropriate websites and keywords.

Project Noah

Give your learners a mission: Go find, photograph, and journal the local wildlife using this free crowd-sourced resource.


There are dozens of periodic table apps, but this one has a twist. Drag & drop elements together and watch the resulting chemical reactions.


What better way to show off your students' STEM projects than through a class blog? This UK service uses an interesting collaborative process to encourage student comments & collaboration across schools.

2Lingual Could Be A Very Useful Search Engine

2Lingual is a bilingual search engine. You type in your search term and then choose two languages. Search results will show-up side-by-side in both languages. It could come in very handy for English Language Learners in content classes, as well as for their teachers who might be looking for materials in a second language that they could offer to their students for extra support. I wish they had separate "tabs" for videos. They provide bilingual searches for Google and for Bing, plus a voice search capability. See more at: The Best Search Engines For ESL/EFL Learners and to The Best Multilingual & Bilingual Sites For Math, Social Studies, & Science.

Lesson Planet

Lesson Planet is an excellent search engine for teachers. Educators can find and share lesson plans, worksheets, integration tips, etc. This is an excellent site to find over 400,000 teacher reviewed lesson plans and worksheets and can even correlate them to state standards. While not a free service, there is a free trial and school edition for users to try.

Search in 23 Languages


Boolify is an innovative search engine that people use by piecing together puzzle pieces. The reason for this is to help students visualize the process of searching. Also, Boolify uses Google's "safe search" filter which helps it be a more viable option for education. For Kapuler's top 10 safe search engines click here.


Finding Dulcinea is an excellent site that is like having your own librarian on the web. This site acts like an online newsletter that can be searched by category and has relevant information for education. There lots of different types of media to be found here from web guides, to videos, to news articles. Online Guides, Internet Library, Web Resources - FindingDulcinea. Online guides and suggested Web resources researched and written by real people.


Scour is a new (beta) search engine that indexes through the most popular search engines (ie, Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.). What makes Scour unique is that the results that are returned can be commented and voted on to help users select what's best for them.

China's Largest Search Engines: China's largest Search Engine and news site in English. India's most popular site for students. offers various specialty AV functions.

Video Search Engine - Blinkx

Blinkx is a search engine for videos that looks a lot of Clip Blast. This is a nice site that is arranged by subject and even has a safe search filter similar to how Google works.


Spezify is a very fun and interesting meta-search tool "presenting results from a large number of websites in different visual ways."

Picturebook Maker


Topmarks is an educational search engine and one of the better ones around. Not only can you search for excellent resources, but there are great links for whiteboard sites and educational games as well. Give Topmarks a try by clicking here!


Cuil is a powerful search engine that does not take link popularity into consideration as much as others. Searches are based on context and provide a clean, uncluttered, but very useful, results page.

"50 Sites In 60 Minutes"

David Kapuler has created a very nice slideshare presentation highlighting 50 different Web 2.0 applications useful for education.

Social Media Books collected at Bag the Web.

Space Time 3D Search Engine

Space Time 3D Search Engine is a visual search engine that lets you see results on a carousel.

Space Shots from NASA

NASA's Image of the Day gallery is the title of a series of photos posted by the Sacramento Bee. Find more at The Best Images Taken In Space.

"I Spot A Story"

The Best Places Where Students Can Write For An "Authentic Audience" is filled with links to sites where students can write on the web and others can read their creations. Some of those links include news sites or others where they can leave comments on news content. I Spot A Story is somewhat similar - users can leave comments on news stories from around the web. It differs, though, in one key way that makes it potentially especially engaging to students - users can add a link to the site to any other article about a topic that they are interested in. Then, they can leave a comment about that news item. Or, a teacher can choose a particular article that he/she wants students to comment on and, in addition to students' comments, they can check to see what other people have said, too.

Mel Zoo

BEST Search Engine with instant previews on a split screen! Multimedia Search Engine

Middlespot is one of the best search engines for ESL/EFL learners. It was also included in The Best Social Bookmarking Applications For English Language Learners & Other Students. They just announced improvements in their site (you can see a video about them here).

Academic Research Search Engines

Search Engines List

The Best Search Engines For ESL/EFL Learners 2008, its simplicity makes it very attractive for English Language Learners. After you type in your query at Mel Zoo, you see what appears to be more or less the typical kind of text results youd find in other search engines. The key advantage the engine has for both ELLs and others is that as you move the cursor down the text listing on the left side, the website itself is shown on the right side. This capability makes it very accessible to English Language Learners.

Use to check out any suspected fanciful story or Urban Legend, but also many other areas of life.

Shahi Dictionary

Shahi Dictionary is a dictionary that combines simple definitions with quite a few Flickr photos. The combination of the two makes it pretty accessible to English Language Learners.


Spezify is a very fun and interesting meta-search tool "presenting results from a large number of websites in different visual ways."


Boolify is a site which "makes it easier for students to understand their Web search by illustrating the logic of their search, and by showing them how each change to their search instantly changes their results."


Dogpile Web Search Home Page makes searching the Web easy, because it has all the best search engines piled into one. So you get better results from more of the web. More engines. Better Answers. Metasearch engine offering search of the general web, or images, audio, video and news. Also offers search of Yellow Pages and White Pages.


For Google, type in define: then type in the term and Enter.


Search Engine Colossus

SOC Engine

Search Optimized Catalog for many areas

Zunka Online Directory

A unique web directory targeted for the education industry. A list of good educational websites; from high school to masters degree colleges and distance learning programs.


Searches all major Search Engines at one time!

All One Search

You can do it all on AllOneSearch - the one-stop search resource.


Orio Aishin Junior College

Japanese, Chinese and Korean Search and Study Engines

Search Engines for Asian Languages

Search Engines Encyclopedia


One of Chinas top sites for news in English, Chinese or with Yahoo translation.


(Chinese:?? Hanyu Pinyin:Sougou) a Chinese search engine which can search text, images, music, and maps. It is owned by Sohu, Inc., and is one of the fastest growing search engines in China.

One of Chinas top Search Engines and MP3 music sites.


My Language

My Language provides access to News Sources, Search Engines and Web Directories in over 60 languages! MyLanguage is a portal providing access to Search Engines Web Directories and other online information resources in 60 community languages in Australia. MyLanguage is a partnership between the State Libraries of NSW, QLD, SA, VIC, and WA and the NT and ACT Library and Information Services. They are very useful Printer-friendly Websites, Community-based language resources, Online Email Services. Information includes Local History and Entertainment, Government Departments in Australia, Current Affairs and News, Online Directories and other Library Catalogues. World News free full-text news and weather around the world. Top Online Email Services using GMail (free web-based Email from Google). MSN Hotmail free web-based Email from Microsoft Network. Yahoo! Mail free web-based Email from Yahoo!



(My favorite search engine. Most visitors to my Web site come from Google)


(Once, a good search engine...)

World Search Engines

(a colossus of information in your computer...)

The Mother of All Search Engines...

Northern Light

A great search machine!



(They claim to be the most accurate metasearch engine in the World...)

Buscadores del Mundo


Mquinas de Busca Mundiais

(em Portugues Brasileiro)



AVKO Educational Research Foundation - improving spelling and word decoding.


Internet Security Gone Wild

Applications designed to protect you from outside threats, such as adware and spyware, are becoming so rigid in their default settings that they can block you from accessing useful content online...


Plos One presents Peer-Reviewed Online Science and Research.

Science Data Loggers

Fourier portable data logging devices and handy science kits make learning Science exciting by taking kids out of the classroom and into the real world. Students can explore ideas and concepts relevant to their everyday life, such as effect of global warming on the climate, the dangers of pollution, how oxygen and pH levels can affect plant life in a pond ecosystem, how temperatures change with the sun's position in the sky, and a whole lot more. Tedious and time consuming data collection tasks are made easy with our data logging devices, leaving students free to focus on more engaging activities such as planning the experiment, thinking about the concepts, linking the new scientific facts they are learning about with what they already know.

Science Teaching Webcasts

Explore Human Perception.


Inventors Encyclopedia

organized by their dates and alphabetically by names, countries and inventions.

US Inventors Patent Office Directory. Check out the Inventors Hall of Fame.

Babbage, Charles

Bacon, Francis

Bartram, William

Carver, George Washington

Carver, George Washington

Carver, George Washington

Cuvier, Georges

Cuvier, Georges

Cuvier, Georges

Dalton, John

Dalton, John

Dalton, John

Descartes, Rene

Descartes, Rene

Faraday, Michael

Faraday, Michael

Faraday, Michael


Fleming, John Ambrose

Ford, Henry

Grew, Joseph C.

Herschel, William

Huggins, William

Kepler, Johannes

Kepler, Johannes

Kepler, Johannes

Kepler, Johannes

Kepler, Johannes

Kepler, Johannes

Kepler, Johannes

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

Linnaeus, Carl

Pare, Ambroise

Pare, Ambroise (Japanese)

Pasteur, Louis

Prout, William

Ray, John

Ramsay, Sir William

Riemann, Georg Friedrich

Riemann, Georg Friedrich

Alphabetical Index of Scientists

(of the Christian Faith)


Google Earth Sky

With Earth's new Sky feature, you can zoom in to distant galaxies and nebulae, view constellations and the movements of the planets, learn about the lifecycle of a star and different kinds of galaxies, and create and share your own imagery, placemarks and more.

Sky (Google Earth)

Sky in Google Earth lets you explore the heavens like never before, showing about a hundred million stars and two hundred million galaxies. You Tube Demo.

Stellarium is a Virtual Constellation Star-Gazer program.


Software 4 Parents

Sites that promote social interaction between people who have never met can be dangerous. Some most popular with young people to monitor very carefully are


Parents Monitoring Programs

Wired Safety

Has a reportline link for victims of cyberbullying, their schools and parents where specially-trained volunteers assist victims of cyberstalking, harassment and cyberbullying without charge. Contact Cyberbullying is a growing problem. You can learn more about it, as well as how to prevent and handle cyberbullying incidents, at WiredSafetys and

If schools are looking for a presentation or program to address their students posting inappropriate profiles or using these websites while underage or other parent concerns, they should visit any of these three. Schools may find many of their students using a particular website. Working together with schools and parents, we may be able to keep our kids off of websites that are inappropriate for young children (or for decent adults as well!) and teach them to make good choices online and offline.



Papyrs lets you create a free social network site that can be private or public. It joins quite a few other sites on the Not "The Best," But "A List" Of Social Network Sites list.

Social Networking Tools Directory


An easy way to create your own social network.

Ning allows you to create the profile questions, upload all types of media, and more. Use a private social network to create an interest inventory for the students in your class!

Integrating social networking sites

Students tell Universities Get out of MySpace, Get out of my Face(book)! Social Networking sites could soon replace the student union bar as a venue for meeting and chatting, effectively making online distance learning more user friendly. Phipps: "The challenge for higher education is to learn how to integrate the social networking sites with traditional academic practice and traditional ICT systems."


Social Learning 2.0 Ed-Media 2007 Terry Anderson with lots of help from Jon Dron Slides available at

Diigo: Web 2.0 Sites Collection

With a simple browser plug-in, Diigo allows you save, share, and organize your favorite site lists. This URL leads you to a collection of Web 2.0 tools.

Social Networks, the Next Educational Tool?

At last years Educause conference, in Seattle, educators pondered what to do about students technology habits. George Siemens notes that The key concept I'm seeing in the use of technology in the service of education is that of enlargement. New technologies are not necessarily replacing existing approaches; instead, they are enlarging the range of options for learners. We're not doing away with email. Or even learning management systems. We're adding blogs, wikis, social networking, virtual worlds, and numerous other technologies to current practices. And that's exactly how it should be. It's difficult to predict which technologies with survive and which will fade. A spirit of perpetual experimentation is needed. Try many approaches. Stick with the ones that demonstrate some promise.

Web 2.0 Storytelling

Emergence of a New Genre (and a supporting wiki).

What's Web 2.0 Storytelling? It's "the telling of stories using Web 2.0 tools, technologies, and strategies".

Alan Levine and Bryan Alexander have published an important article about it:

When new faculty or training professionals encounter read/write tools (blogs, wikis, video, podcasts, etc) the initial excitement usually turns to "oh, but how will I use this beyond posting blogs for students?" The focus of this article is on using Storytelling (Narrative) to assist faculty and students to better make use of technology that offers personal control (as noted by G. Siemens)

The Best Applications for Annotating Websites


(Using Virtual Telescopes)

Space and Star-Gazing Online Using Virtual Telescopes


An add-on to Google Earth which allows astronomers to glide through images of more than one million stars and 200 million galaxies. Optional layers allow users to explore images from the Hubble Space Telescope as well as animations of lunar cycles.


A free open source tool that gives people a chance to access more than 210 million stars, in addition to planets and moons. Used in many planetariums the project was launched in 2001 by Fabien Chereau, formerly a research engineer at the Paris Astronomical Observatory who now works at the ESO (European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere). Like WorldWide Telescope the software allows users to record and play their own tours of the Universe.

WorldWide Telescope


Survey Monkey

Make free Course Surveys.

Question Pro

Online Survey Research program with free demo.


MOOs for language learning

Mundo Hispano

A text-based MOO for learning Spanish.


A text-based MOO for learning English.


A text-based MOO for learning French.

Active Worlds

An avatar-based virtual world, which offers teachers and educators the Active Worlds Educational Universe (license needed).

Free virtual world/Second Life

A three-dimensional virtual world with a growing number of members. It is becoming increasingly popular for educational use.

Video-Streamed Talks, Webcasts, Webinars or Web Seminars on CALL

The Open University free Open Content pages

(OpenLearn) Living with the Internet: Learning Online

Online Communication in Language Learning and Teaching Webcast of Day 1

Online Communication in Language Learning and Teaching Webcast of Day 2

Video-streamed talks

(in French) with an emphasis on language and technology, given at the Ecole Norinale Suprieure des Lettres et Sciences Humaines (Lyons, France):

Online teaching: new professions (March 2003)

Collaborative learning online (March 2004)

Emotions and online interaction (March 2005)



Sports, Classics/Required Reading Books Vocabulary Lists and Interactive Puzzles

St. Patricks Day and the Stock Market Game

Sports March Madness Basketball and Baseball Spring Training

Many interesting Learning Games and Activities, Stories and Holiday Episodes. Read Short Flash Stories!

Glossary of Instructional Strategies

PlasmaLink Web Services provides the Glossary of Instructional Strategies as a resource for all educators

Spanish BBNBI News and Inspirational Radio Online


Screensavers and Wallpaper for your PC Screen. Many to choose from here.


Get private links to upload and share files temporarily free with no logins.

Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System

Talk and Write

Free Download to do Whiteboarding using Skype.


SKWRL is a Learning Management System that Andy Johnson created. With SKWRL, teachers can create various tasks including audio- and video-based ones. There are currently over 8 different activities that can be created. Additionally, there is an advanced gradebook feature that lets teachers keep track of computer-graded activities as well as non-computer graded items such as attendance and classroom participation. While not as eloquent as Moodle, SKWRL does have some distinct advantages.

Second Life

Second Life is not a Web site, but a MUVE (Multiple User Virtual Environment).

A client piece of software runs on your computer, but the rest of the time you are on one of 3000+ servers hosted by the company that runs Second Life, Linden Labs. The environment will remind you of the computer program, The Sims, but it is so much more! Working in Second Life (SL) you can collaborate with ed-tech leaders in Real Life (RL), and learn how to do some modeling and scripting with a 3-D modeling language.

Network Science

Many examples of Visualizing Network Dynamics from Queens, NY competition.

Offers many links and audio lessons. Fees after free samples.

An English pronouncing dictionary with instant sound. provides online pronunciation guides to 9 varieties of the English language and 9 other languages Instant sound Pronunciation samples by over 40 native speakers All 1,000+ pages free Just click on a flag to open a dictionary!

Street Sign Generator. Fun for Kids!

Warning Labels, Signs and Tombstone Generators also available here. Great Writing Idea: Make up your own Tombstone or Epitaph and tell what youd like to be remembered as/for.

Surveys of Japanese College Students

Useful for any students actually.

Interviews with College Students from Around the World

Links to information about many countries of the students being interviewed.

Free French, German and Spanish Language Learning Free Activities


Storyspace is a hypertext writing environment that is especially well suited to large, complex, and challenging hypertexts. Storyspace focuses on the process of writing, making it easy and pleasant to link, revise, and reorganize.

schMOOze University on the Net

schMOOze U. is a small, friendly college known for its hospitality and the diversity of the student population. It was established in July, 1994 as a place where people studying English as a second or foreign language could practice English while sharing ideas and experiences with other learners and practicers of English. Students have opportunities for one-on-one and group conversations as well as access to language games such as Scrabble and Boggle, an on-line dictionary, a virtual library and a grammar maze. Although schMOOze U. was founded with ESL/EFL students in mind, it welcomes all people interested in cross-cultural communication.

The site of STELLA, EU Commission-supported online language learning program for English, Danish, Hungarian and Spanish (so far).

Sea Monkey Project

The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to develop the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite. Such a software suite was previously made popular by Netscape and Mozilla, and the SeaMonkey project continues to develop and deliver high-quality updates to this concept. Containing an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client, HTML editor, IRC chat and web development tools, SeaMonkey appeals to advanced users, web developers and corporate users.

Sea Monkey Free Dictionary Downloads

Over 40 languages. Spell Check feature works in Sea Monkey Browser.

Book Mashup for the Semantic Web

Semantic Web

Semantic Web is about two things: 1) Common formats for integration and combination of data drawn from diverse sources, where on the original Web mainly concentrated on the interchange of documents; and about 2) Language for recording how the data relates to real world objects. That allows a person, or a machine, to start off in one database, and then move through an unending set of databases which are connected not by wires but by being about the same thing.The vision of the Semantic Web is to build a global information space consisting of linked data. Mashups combine data from a number of sources. See ProgrammableWeb for an overview about the different APIs and mashups. RDF book mashups goal is to show how Web 2.0 data sources can be integrated into the Semantic Web, meaning that Web 2.0 data can be browsed using generic RDF browsers like Tabulator and can be crawled and cached by Semantic Web search engines like SWSE, SWOOGLE or the Semantic Web Client Library, to eventually make it possible to query the complete Web using the SPARQL query language.

Learning and Teaching Scotland

Learning and Teaching Scotland: Connected Live

Public Library of Science (PLoS)

PLoS is a on-profit organization of scientists committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature freely accessible to scientists and to the public at large.

Salesforce is a leader in Customer-Relationship management online.

Six Apart

Six offers many personal and professional blogging solutions.

Baidu.coms History in English

History of


One of Chinas top sites for news in English, mp3, serch engines, etc.

Second Language Acquisition Research Bibliography (SLA)

Second Language Acquisition (SLA) References to straightforward published books and articles.

Vivian Cooks Obscure Writings Collection

Second Language Acquisition (SLA), teaching methods or writing systems, References to straightforward published books and articles can be found in SLABIB. Other extensive materials on SLA and language teaching can be found in SLA Topics, on writing in Writing System Topics. A complete bibliography of her published work is on VCpubs.

Design vs. Chance DVDs

Theories of Origins or the Science of Cosmology

Intelligent Design or Creation versus Random Chance Evolution: Where does the evidence lead?

Explore the evidence for design and purpose in the universe. Discover the truth about the origin of life and the universe. Does the design of the universe and life point to a Designer, a Divine Engineer or Architect?

Self Access offers Sample Lessons free.

National Science Digital Library

Provides access to resources and tools to support teaching and learning (from K-16) in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Great site, full of ideas, tips, examples, and resources for using technology to combine "photographs, memorabilia, and written narratives, poetry, quotations, stories, or other textual content into a scrapbook-style album."


Create some nice Snowflakes for Christmas!


Sinorama magazine (recently renamed as Taiwan Panorama) for Online Reading practice.

The Sinorama articles are mainly about issues in Taiwan in such areas as politics, economics, arts, society, culture, and ecology. An electronic corpus consisting of 10,000+ texts!

Spelling City is a fun, free, useful and unique new educational site, focused on spelling

and vocabulary.

Smithsonian Images

Smithsonian Images provides hundreds of photographs from the Smithsonian Office of Imaging and Photographic Services which can be used by teachers and students.

Google Scholar

Features of Google Scholar: Learn about key papers in any area of research; Search diverse sources from one convenient place; Find papers, abstracts and citations; and Locate the complete paper through your library or on the web Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations. Google Scholar helps you identify the most relevant research across the world of scholarly research.

Offers Symmetrical Images to use in your Art Designs.

Searches your PC for any kind of file.

Social Studies Sites

Best of from Larry Ferlazzo

Football or Soccer History

(ESL Readings)

Sumo Paint

Sumo Paint is a browser-based drawing tool that is vector-based and does not even need a registration to use and save the creation locally Quick question: What hardware, software, Web-based tool, or other tip or trick do you use to manage information overload?

Social Network from

This may be the world's largest EFL / TEFL social network. Here are a few good places to start:

ESL General English Grammar Questions, Make Friends, Meet Friendly People, General, Business & Formal Letter Writing, Puzzles, Riddles, and Word ESL Games, Teaching English (TEFL), English Vocabulary and Idioms. Don't forget to join their Facebook group here!

SidebySide Interactive Video CDs

Semantic Knowledge Search Engine (Tropes)

Designed for semantic classification and keyword extraction, Trop software is very easy to use and can help with the content analysis in interaction logs, self-report accounts or open-ended questionnaire responses. (French site, giving access to English, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese versions)

Statistics Packages

from Reading Universitys statistical services centre.

MI CASE Speech Corpus Data

Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English is a searchable collection of transcripts of academic speech events recorded at the University of Michigan. There are currently 152 transcripts (totaling 1,848,364 words) available at this site.

Pre-school and first-grade beginning reading skills presented with attractive stories and colors.


Spanish Learning Programs

Viaje al pasado: los aztecas

Online version (2004), free access. El perfecto simple y el imperfecto en la narracin y la descripcin. CD-ROM version, Mac/PC (2005), available at

Searchable TrackStar

Collect websites, enter them into TrackStar, add annotations for your students, and you have an interactive, online lesson called a Track. Create your own Track or use one of the hundreds of thousands already made by other educators. Search the database by subject, grade, or theme and standard for a quick and easy activity.

Statistics for the Terrified

As its name indicates, this site offers products with an appeal to those not experienced in quantitative analysis.

School-Starters: Icebreakers, Energizers, and Back to School Ideas

Start of the school year, an ever-growing list of links to help you get the school day or year started.

Use Storybird To Create A Story

Storybird is a neat new site where users can choose artwork from a specific artist and then add text to create a storybook. See others in The Best Places Where Students Can Write Online. Also check-out the new issue of Literacy Lava, "a free pdf ezine for parents, offering tips on ways to incorporate reading, writing and communicating into family life." (At

Speech Perception Assessment and Training System (SPATS)

Speech Production system for ESL students.

Statistics on Usage of Internet Sites

(Google Stats)

Space Exploration and Travel

Planet Quest

Planet Quest is a pretty amazing multimedia timeline of space exploration that begins at 500 B.C. In addition, it provides audio support for the text. See also The Best Sites For Learning About Planets & Space. Seinan JoGakuin University Website for Loucky Classes

Squme Looks Intriguing

Squme is a new site that lets you blog, post photos, create private chatboards and a bunch of other things. See more like it at The Best Places Where Students Can Write Online.

What It Was Like To Live During The Shogun Era In Japan | Watch

The U.S. Government's Strangest Secret Ops - History Facts

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free online dictionary
Lingvosoft online dictionary From:     Word: 
online electronic translation tools

ESL Lounge

Free ESL Lesson Materials for teachers. Grammar, worksheets, song lyrics, board games, pronunciation and more. All free and printable.

Online Conference/Classroom
Nellies English Projects is an educational website for students and teachers whose aim is to motivate students for lifelong learning. It provides resources for teachers on how to integrate technology into the classroom by means of project based and experiential learning using WebQuests. The site provides many educational resources, articles, lesson plans, evaluation rubrics, reading practice and collaborative writing ideas.

Powered by
IP2Phrase allows you to insert dynamic customizable welcome messages to your web page with geographical information.You can either design your own phrase or use one of their defaults.


The web This site

Google Advanced Search
Google Language Translation Tools
(Lite Version)
Google Multiple Language Search Engines & Translation Tools
(Input any URL or text)

Babel Fish translation

Type or paste text or web address here:
Translate from:
Powered by Systran

FoxLingo The Ultimate Language Tool!

(works only with Firefox)

Web Page Translation, Translated Search, Auto Translation, Text Translation, Language Resources, Learning Languages, etc.

Main Features
  • Page Translation - Translates full web pages (over 1,000 different language pairs)
  • Translated Search - Searches foreign pages using terms written in your language
  • Auto Translation - Automatically translates websites by recognizing their domain
  • Text Translation - Translates text entered in the search box or selected on any web page
  • Language Resources - Over 90 language services (encyclopedias, text-to-speech, etc.)
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  • Learning Languages - Over 100 links to language learning sites for a variety of languages
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Uses 35 free online web page translator services,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

AddThis Social Bookmark Button
Free Bible Commentary
Audio New Testaments Click on your country's flag to translate this site!
AltaVista Babel Fish Translation

Language Teacher. Electronic pocket talking translators

Topics Online Magazine for Learners of English.

Currency Converter
Time Converter

50 BEST Sites in 60 Minutes SLIDESHARE

2Lingual is BEST Bilingual Search Engine!

Web 20-21st Century Tools

Click to search in your own language!

TeachiT Video Lessons on IT/Ed Tech

Other Translations Here:

Dicts Info
www.dicts.infos index page shows Flags and Links to free Web Dictionaries in about 80 languages.

All with Lesson Plans & Word/PDFiles.

Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling

ESL Student & Teaching Links

Great Reading, Speaking & Vocabulary Activities

This site uses WordChamp to automatically translate words on this page into about 140 languages! CLICK for a free account so you can also SAVE new words into files.
Change Target Language Here:

Enable/disable reader bubbles:

Asia-Pacific CALL Top Teacher Resource Sites

APA CALL President J-B Son's Homepage
CALL Resources and Research

Internet-Based Language Instruction (IBLI)
Sample Work from J-B Son's Students

Internet-Based Language Teaching
(Roger Underwood Collection)

Distance & Self-Access Language Programs

English Specialist
English Specialist

EFL practice exercises

Web 2.0 Tools Slideshow

Information Technology Tools

"BEST of the Best"
of Larry Ferlazzos most highly recommended websites to help you teach English, ESL or EFL!

The Best Websites Summarized
The "Best of the Best" Websites of 2007-2008

Website With 8,000 Links

Larry Ferlazzo, Teacher

International Childrens Digital Library
10,000+ Childrens Stories in many languages.

READ & HEAR Folktales and Legends from around the world!

More World Folktales from ESL Station

Speak English Today

Get in the Sandbox & Play with Us Kids!Eby using Twiddla Co-Browsing Tool Here:
Twiddle this page!

Top ESL/TESOL Programs
Find top online and local ESL/TESOL programs and request free info. Learn more about starting an exciting career in bilingual and ESL teaching today!

Top Text-to-Speech Program Online (TTS)
Multi-Lingual Online Translator with Sound and Avatar!

ESL Gold
ESL Gold explained in 15 languages!

ESL Point
ESL Point

A treasure trove of material for teaching and learning English


Mingoville is the world's most creative and comprehensive English language course online for kids of all ages.

Great Picture Book Maker!

Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning

Encyclopedia for Kids

List of A-Z Links to various language Encyclopedias and their Histories

Top 20 Web-based language learning activities/tasks - Andy Johnsons annotated list of most useful CALL sites

Software sales

Free Language Translation Bar for 10 Languages.

Translate this page offers DAILY WORD PUZZLES, Root Word Study, etc to enhance vocabulary mastery and written/verbal skills with Latin & Greek roots.

Google Language Translation Tools
(Lite Version)

Google Multiple Language Search Engines & Translation Tools
(Input any URL or text)

Voice Thread Collaborative Site for Educators

Add Audio (TTS) to Any Blog!

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Use Universal Messenger for free media and file transfers. makes Mobile Publishing easy.
Access ANY size Device/Document/Image ANYWHERE!

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Free Test of your vocabulary in English, Chinese, German, Japanese, Spanish or Turkish. Test Preparation free for GRE, SAT, TOEFL Tests. Speed-Reading Practice and Word Games. offers many FREE Vocabulary Tests online.

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PROGRAMS MEASURING READABILITY provides Readability Scores for any Web pages and MS Word files in a flash!

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Improving Online Text Readability

Analyze text content using this free text analysis tool.

Discovery School
"The Thrill of Discovery in Your Classroom"

English Learning Resources
Ken Schmidts Short-List

the Language Resource Room

Word Surfing vocabulary learning strategies

Top ESL & Teacher Sites

TESOLMAX Top Sites Top Sites
The Top Sites for English Learners

ESL Web Guide: Your Guide to the Best ESL/EFL Websites! Recommendations from Daves ESL Cafe.

SEO - create one way text link ads to your website for top search engine listings.

I Love Languages

Interesting Things for ESL / EFL Students

ITESLJ's Interesting Things for ESL / EFL Teachers

MES English games and other ESL / EFL resources for teachers

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translation wizard with free simultaneous access to over 265 dictionaries for 73 languages

Perceptia Press
EConversation, Excel, Music, PowerPoint and Word textbooks. Great texts for personal or class use.
Click here to order

Itzalist Webring
Bilingual Webring

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